Universal doesn't need another bare coaster. That should be at the absolute bottom of their list of priorities.
Minions Blast and Dreamworks Land are really bad. Worse, they feel incredibly cheap in a way additions to Disney, for all their faults, have not. The parade is fun because of the inclusion of the 80s films, but despite being longer most of the floats are less impressive and, yes, feel cheaper then the parade it replaced.
Uni has slashed entertainment with a machete. They killed streetmosphere, one of the things that made them feel more guest-friendly then Disney. They have been going mad with cost cutting, staggering openings, neglecting maintenance and upkeep, etc. 3D has been removed from rides that depend on it. Attractions are run for years in secondary mode to save on maintenance. The entrance arch to Seuss has been broken for years.
An entire land is closed at IOA and there is no movement on a replacement - that's an eighth of the park. There are three massive theaters sitting empty at IOA, one of which has been abandoned for decades.
Studios is my favorite park in Orlando, but it needs significant additions. Dreamworks Land is unacceptable. The Simpsons Ride needs to be replaced immediately. Family-friendly headliners are desperately needed.
EU looks great but its underbuilt.
Hotel prices just SKYROCKETED with the new year.
I'll still take Uni over Disney any day of the week, but the golden age of Universal seemingly ended with the pandemic and a management change. It's falling into all the same traps as the Mouse. It's a glaring reminder that Disney's problems are much, much more profound then Iger or his ilk - the problem is the entire business culture of the US.