Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
There is plenty of data on hospitalizations to know this isn’t the normal summer surge because there was no normal summer surge. Cancelling the very procedures that make hospitals money isn’t something they do with any sort of regularity. Or are you going to tell us the hospitals are faking death certificates?

Well I was right about the dog whistling. Do tell us about this lack of testing.
So your saying the vaccines have had the same amount of testing as all other vaccines out there? If it did, then do tell us "anti-vaxxers" and help us learn from uneducated ways. If anyone tells you there is no long term effects, or if they say there isn't any long term effects then they are lying. No one knows. Ask your doctor about what's best for you, do not take medical advice from writing heads here on a message board. What I was saying was no one really knows everything about this and that there might be more to it. All I can go is on my experience. I'm sorry if this isn't good enough for you. Again if your vaccinated, awesome be free and happy.


Well-Known Member
You don’t have to be actively sick to be allergic to the vaccine - just one reason people may not have it. There do need to be policies in place for those who cannot be vaccinated.

There is no such thing to being unable to get the vaccine due to known allergy. (Anyone May have an unpredicted allergic reaction).

For the rare cases where a person does have a known allergy to 1 of the ingredients in 1 of the vaccines, then get 1 of the other vaccines.

Anybody who isn’t vaccinated should not be taking the risk of high risk public venues. Whether they have an “excuse” or not.


New Member
Allowed to make choices, yes however you're incorrect on if this was throughly tested or not. The unvaccinated continue to put more immune compromised vaccinated at risk and keeping crazy variants going. At this point I'm really not caring much about these antizvax conspiracies like not being tested. Vaccinated are not spreading at the same rate. Seriously beyond tired of posts like these. Get vaccinated and shut up. For goodness sake why prolong this?

The fact that you believe this and seems to work in healthcare bugs me. Right to choose is a joke at this point. You endangered others with your misinformation and carelessness.

You do know that countries like Israel and France that are currently using Green passes allow both fully vaccinated AND people that have already been infected to go out, right? Robust natural immunity after a covid infection is well known, I'm not sure what part of that is "misinformation."


Well-Known Member
Allowed to make choices, yes however you're incorrect on if this was throughly tested or not. The unvaccinated continue to put more immune compromised vaccinated at risk and keeping crazy variants going. At this point I'm really not caring much about these antizvax conspiracies like not being tested. Vaccinated are not spreading at the same rate. Seriously beyond tired of posts like these. Get vaccinated and shut up. For goodness sake why prolong this?

The fact that you believe this and seems to work in healthcare bugs me. Right to choose is a joke at this point. You endangered others with your misinformation and carelessness.
These types of talking points are extremely divisive and just going down dark roads.


Well-Known Member
So your saying the vaccines have had the same amount of testing as all other vaccines out there? If it did, then do tell us "anti-vaxxers" and help us learn from uneducated ways. If anyone tells you there is no long term effects, or if they say there isn't any long term effects then they are lying. No one knows. Ask your doctor about what's best for you, do not take medical advice from writing heads here on a message board. What I was saying was no one really knows everything about this and that there might be more to it. All I can go is on my experience. I'm sorry if this isn't good enough for you. Again if your vaccinated, awesome be free and happy.
Ah yes, the old “asking questions” nonsense. You don’t need evidence or a logical argument when you are “just asking questions.”

The trials and testing for these vaccines were some of the largest ever conducted. The millions of doses administered since only further demonstrate their safety.

You are the one lying about long term effects. You can’t name a single vaccine that had side effects appear months afterward. You cannot hypothesize a viable biological means by which a vaccine could hide in the body without issue and then suddenly cause an issue. How vaccines work is known. How mRNA works is known.
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Well-Known Member
Not bad enough? Tell that to my son after his favorite teacher died of COVID days before Christmas. Ask the teacher’s family how they feel about it.

Ask my father in law who is currently out of his mind, concerned for his wife who is now isolated along with dozens of others in her nursing home after testing positive. Thanks to workers at the home who refuse to be vaccinated because of their myopic and shortsighted concern for their own “freedom.”

Viruses spread from person to person. So how many people catch COVID from a single selfish person who shuns a safe, readily available vaccine because they think it’s their “choice?”

How many people have died under these circumstances? How many more will die because of the selfish actions of selfish people?

The virus doesn’t care about me, you or anyone else. And it will gladly take advantage of the mis-informed, ignorant and/or stubborn.

There’s no timely escape from this thing unless we stop framing the issue around what’s good for any one person.

It’s way past time for everyone to stop thinking of only themselves and start showing concern for the greater good.
I'm sorry about these who have had negative consequences from covid. My family has known at least 5 people die. I never said it wasn't bad, but no I don't believe its bad enough to force people to choose food, and any sense of freedom or not to get vaccinated. thats pure evil. Also please the vaccines have shown to hurt people as well, lets not deny that. We again know someone who got shingles from it. ive seen vaccinated people in the E.R with covid. It all happens, nothing is 100%. You guys are just going down some dark roads, I'd hope you pump the breaks on your own hearts. I saw a video of a guy asking for signatures to put unvaccinated people in jail, and some signed it saying yes they should be. some also called the guy sick. So I'm with the people on the latter.


Well-Known Member
Cause I'm currently out of work. 10 day quarantine. Before I got covid, there was covid.
You gave the impression that your ICU doctor talk was a few days ago.

So you were okay being in the ICU knowing that you could be carrying covid and not know it or that you could catch it from them? And you were good with that?

How does the hospital allow a non vaccinated employee into the ICU with covid and non covid patients at this point. Before the vax, sure, no choice, but now a days?


Well-Known Member
That also effects any surgery that would require a ventilator for a short period of time afterwards. That's why my father's lung surgery was postponed last year. Result: cancer spread to 10% of his lung before he was rescheduled.
The hospital didn't have a surgical ICU? Sorry to hear about the cancer spread. How's he doing now?

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry about these who have had negative consequences from covid. My family has known at least 5 people die. I never said it wasn't bad, but no I don't believe its bad enough to force people to choose food, and any sense of freedom or not to get vaccinated. thats pure evil. Also please the vaccines have shown to hurt people as well, lets not deny that. We again know someone who got shingles from it. ive seen vaccinated people in the E.R with covid. It all happens, nothing is 100%. You guys are just going down some dark roads, I'd hope you pump the breaks on your own hearts. I saw a video of a guy asking for signatures to put unvaccinated people in jail, and some signed it saying yes they should be. some also called the guy sick. So I'm with the people on the latter.
Those who at this point choose not to get a vaccine (excluding, of course, those who cannot for valid medical reasons) and who refuse to wear masks and/or isolate themselves from the rest of society are guilty of spreading the virus and are essentially complicit in the deaths of other people. I can’t think of a road much darker than that.


Well-Known Member
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. stated that uttering false and dangerous statements (such as falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater) is not protected free speech under the U.S. Constitution. Such behavior can cause a panic and put public health at risk. So, do people have a "right" not to be vaccinated? I would say yes, but only if they quarantine themselves from all other people. If they choose to go out into public, vaccination should be mandatory.
That Supreme Court ruling has nothing to do with mandatory vaccination. It really isn't related at all.

There have been rulings that state that vaccines can be mandated. In Florida Law, if there is a public health emergency, the Florida Surgeon General can order people to be vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
Those who at this point choose not to get a vaccine (excluding, of course, those who cannot for valid medical reasons) and who refuse to wear masks and/or isolate themselves from the rest of society are guilty of spreading the virus and are essentially complicit in the deaths of other people. I can’t think of a road much darker than that.
I’m still baffled by the idea that Afghanistan and Iran are more free, brighter places because there you can still get wild polio.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the old “asking questions” nonsense. You don’t need evidence or a logical argument when you are “just asking questions.”

The trials and testing for these vaccines were some of the largest ever conducted. The millions of doses administered since only further demonstrate their safety.

You are the one lying about long term effects. You can’t name a single vaccine that had side effects appear months afterward. You cannot hypothesize a viable biological means by which a vaccine could hide in the body without issue and then suddenly cause an issue. How vaccines work is known. How mRNA works is known.

I am not CNN fan, and I distrust them, but these boards have shown to love them, so if CNN can cast doubt of a rushed vaccine, I cant imagine why other people can't. But no, you wont let them cast doubt, or think for themselves. Dark stuff man, dark stuff.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry about these who have had negative consequences from covid. My family has known at least 5 people die. I never said it wasn't bad, but no I don't believe its bad enough to force people to choose food, and any sense of freedom or not to get vaccinated. thats pure evil. Also please the vaccines have shown to hurt people as well, lets not deny that. We again know someone who got shingles from it. ive seen vaccinated people in the E.R with covid. It all happens, nothing is 100%. You guys are just going down some dark roads, I'd hope you pump the breaks on your own hearts. I saw a video of a guy asking for signatures to put unvaccinated people in jail, and some signed it saying yes they should be. some also called the guy sick. So I'm with the people on the latter.
He got shingles.... there is a vaccine for that. His fault.

Covid kills. PERIOD. Full stop.

I haven't seen any reports of the vaccine killing anyone? Bueller? A very very very very few did have some minor short term issues, but not long term.

I don't know of any worse long term side effect that someone could have that's worse than dying.
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Well-Known Member
Not bad enough? Tell that to my son after his favorite teacher died of COVID days before Christmas. Ask the teacher’s family how they feel about it.

Ask my father in law who is currently out of his mind, concerned for his wife who is now isolated along with dozens of others in her nursing home after testing positive. Thanks to workers at the home who refuse to be vaccinated because of their myopic and shortsighted concern for their own “freedom.”

Viruses spread from person to person. So how many people catch COVID from a single selfish person who shuns a safe, readily available vaccine because they think it’s their “choice?”

How many people have died under these circumstances? How many more will die because of the selfish actions of selfish people?

The virus doesn’t care about me, you or anyone else. And it will gladly take advantage of the mis-informed, ignorant and/or stubborn.

There’s no timely escape from this thing unless we stop framing the issue around what’s good for any one person.

It’s way past time for everyone to stop thinking of only themselves and start showing concern for the greater good.
I am so sorry to hear about your friends and family. Anyone refusing to get vaccinated and working in elderly care should be fired. End of story.


Well-Known Member
You gave the impression that your ICU doctor talk was a few days ago.

So you were okay being in the ICU knowing that you could be carrying covid and not know it or that you could catch it from them? And you were good with that?

How does the hospital allow a non vaccinated employee into the ICU with covid and non covid patients at this point. Before the vax, sure, no choice, but now a days?
Vaccinated people can carry covid and transfer it to others, thats why they are mandating mask again around the country. Unvaccinated people can carry covid. I did not know if I had covid, and its always a risk to catch covid around patients, but you put on your PPE and pray for the best. I do have antibodies, is that good enough? or again i am only aloud to get antibodies from a vaccine right?


Well-Known Member

I am not CNN fan, and I distrust them, but these boards have shown to love them, so if CNN can cast doubt of a rushed vaccine, I cant imagine why other people can't. But no, you wont let them cast doubt, or think for themselves. Dark stuff man, dark stuff.
That article doesn’t support any of your “questions.” The emergency use authorization was not granted prior to the completion of trials nor does it mention any vaccine side effects popping up months later. Want to try again?


Well-Known Member
He got shingles.... there is a vaccine for that. His fault.

I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that you knew 5 people who died and yet you wouldn't get the shot. I guess they must not have meant much to you, they left so little impact on you. Or you really are cold blooded.

Covid kills. PERIOD. Full stop.

I haven't seen any reports of the vaccine killing anyone? Bueller? A very very very very few did have some minor short term issues, but not long term.

I don't know of any worse long term side effect that someone could have that's worse than dying.
Negative! COVID can kill but it is not a death warrant in truth if a person becomes infected the odds are strongly in favor of survival.


Well-Known Member
You do know that countries like Israel and France that are currently using Green passes allow both fully vaccinated AND people that have already been infected to go out, right? Robust natural immunity after a covid infection is well known, I'm not sure what part of that is "misinformation."
Did you quote the right person here? I said nothing about what you are talking about.

Seriously weird reply....

But let's be real, natural immunity from Alpha is showing to be less effective against Delta. So robust immune at natural may not be for all strains. However, vaccinated and covid+ seems to be giving amazing results so yeah, vaccinate no matter what. This is a health crisis, not just picking if you want to eat out or at home.

So while we are at it, the passes do allow people out but you have to show proof of one of 3 things in France. Covid+ must be recent....
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