Well-Known Member
So your saying the vaccines have had the same amount of testing as all other vaccines out there? If it did, then do tell us "anti-vaxxers" and help us learn from uneducated ways. If anyone tells you there is no long term effects, or if they say there isn't any long term effects then they are lying. No one knows. Ask your doctor about what's best for you, do not take medical advice from writing heads here on a message board. What I was saying was no one really knows everything about this and that there might be more to it. All I can go is on my experience. I'm sorry if this isn't good enough for you. Again if your vaccinated, awesome be free and happy.There is plenty of data on hospitalizations to know this isn’t the normal summer surge because there was no normal summer surge. Cancelling the very procedures that make hospitals money isn’t something they do with any sort of regularity. Or are you going to tell us the hospitals are faking death certificates?
Well I was right about the dog whistling. Do tell us about this lack of testing.