Casper Gutman
Well-Known Member
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’m not sure why there’s so much gymnastics being done around the statistics. There’s no need to move goal posts, there isn’t even really a need for goal posts anymore. I’m not sure why people are so concerned about “justifying” what they want to do. WDW is open. If you want to go, then go. If you don’t, then stay home. There’s no need to massage numbers or seek out conspiracy theories to disprove any of the stats that look bad, do what you want to do and don’t worry about it. On the flip side if you don’t want to go then sit it out and don’t worry about the people who do go. There’s nothing we are going to say here that will change whether WDW is open or not and certainly nobody is changing anyone’s mind on whether it should be open. Unless you are a CM or live locally to the parks does it really impact you if people visit WDW or not? I get the desire to have good information, but it’s abundantly clear that no matter what information or data comes out someone is not going to believe it. Let’s just all agree to disagree up front instead of having the same back and forth each day when the FL numbers are released.
You're one of the best posters on this subject Goof, but I don't get this perspective. We all know the decision to go to WDW right now has ramifications for people other then the guest. We all know this is a highly infectious, often deadly disease that we don't fully understand yet. Probability guarantees that people are going to get sick at WDW and carry that illness back to their home community and infect other people who were acting more responsibly. That will certainly happen more than once. So, on a board where people come to plan or celebrate upcoming trips, its not bad to have folks pointing out it might not be the best idea right now.
In addition, the quagmire the US is stuck in at the moment is in large part a result of people sharing false information and attempting to obscure the real suffering that is occurring right now. Countering that misinformation, even in this silly place, isn't worthless, because part of the purpose of that misinformation is to flood the zone with garbage, to make it utterly ubiquitous, so people simply throw their hands up and stop trying to argue against it and let the misinformed and/or disingenuous shape the narrative and ensure even more suffering.
So yeah, arguing here won't do much good. But it might do the tiniest, tiniest bit - countering one bit of nonsense misinformation or convincing one person to put off their trip. And on a selfish level, people going to Disney World right now, when it isn't safe, guarantee that it will be even longer before more responsible people can visit - or see a movie in a theatre, or eat in a restaurant, or go to work without worry. Sometimes you have to scream into the void, and there are less healthy ways to do that right now then by posting onto a theme park message board.