Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I know. I’m just frustrated that more people aren’t asking for more data. We’re just too much of a group of followers these days... like we’ve forgotten how to think for ourselves. I’m talking about society in general- Proof being this strange toilet paper obsession.
More data would be very nice...but I'm sure they don't want further panic as the positive cases escalate...we're at the beginning of the hump.


Well-Known Member
Every year over 100,000 people die of Alzheimer's Disease, 97% over the age of 65. I don't remember the black armbands and wailing posts of empathy on these boards and Twitter about that.

Old people die. I'm old. I will die. Feel free to save the economy and I will fend for myself. Thanks for your passionate support, but I'm good, honestly.

(Insert hysterical wailing about "how it's not only about you, but my grandmother" here)
Yes old and young people die but that does NOT mean we should stand by and dismiss them.

If I'm not mistaken there are tons of non profit that are working tirelessly to PREVENT people dying from Alzheimer's.

By your reasoning we should just let them die since they are old. Hey if your life ain't worth any thing that's cool but I choose not to be dismissive of mine just because people have to face a hardship for a short time.


Well-Known Member
I want to know how many people have been tested in each county in each state in the USA.
I don't know that any one entity (outside of those very high up in the decision chain) would have access to all that information. Like I said would be nice, but I also think it would cause even more panicking as the confirmed cases rise.


Well-Known Member
Gee whiz ... does anyone in Canada know this? Someone I know who lives in Canada is feeling quite sick with "scary" symptoms and was told by a government hotline to stay home because they're only testing 80 people per day ... in a city of 4 million people (more than 10% of the country). It sounds like the person on the hotline has to be 90% sure you have Corona before they'll ask you to come in and have a test.

I guess the Canadian authorities' email is broken or something and they didn't get the memo from WHO:

“We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test, test.”
Over 500 called in for the initial screening. I was surprised that we got that many tested. No surprise but the guy that tested positive had just.....are you ready ...... Got back from traveling! Back on page like, 60 I said they needed to shut down international travel and a poster who has not been seen since this got so crazy over here said it was unnecessarily inconvenient. I saw it unfold almost first hand (lets say 1.5 hands 😁) in China and I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. It really sucks that it's here..I'm worried about my parents. They both work in grocery stores, are almost 70 and smoke/recently quit. So when people act like saving a few 70 yr olds isn't worth the trouble, it's frustrating.


Well-Known Member
The data that shows that this is all an overreaction and all of the experts are wrong.

No. I want to know what’s really going on in areas where 0 cases are reported.

Is it 0 because they haven’t tested?
Or is it 0 and they have tested- if so, how many?

I don’t understand how every American, especially our press, is not demanding such info.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that any one entity (outside of those very high up in the decision chain) would have access to all that information. Like I said would be nice, but I also think it would cause even more panicking as the confirmed cases rise.

Every county and state would have this info. Even the private companies are doing the tests as well, the government can request it.
We’re in a national emergency.. they should be able to do that.


Well-Known Member
No. I want to know what’s really going on in areas where 0 cases are reported.

Is it 0 because they haven’t tested?
Or is it 0 and they have tested- if so, how many?

I don’t understand how every American, especially our press, is not demanding such info.
Realistically though, they're still only testing people who are already presenting symptoms. People can test positive and be asymptomatic, so the data gleaned from test results wouldn't be accurate anyway.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree - so let's do something that will actually address the issue - quarantine those high sensitivity targets. Then let's put our energy into servicing them while they are quarantined (deliver meals, health services, etc.). THAT will actually do something vs. trying to destroy our way of life and economy to stop the spread of a virus that 98% won't die from and you have a bad fever and cough for a few days.

Lol oh no not something else that's going to"destroy" our way of life.
Let's see, so far
Civil rights
Women's rights
Gay rights
Violent video games
Gays getting the right to vote
Electing a black President
Wall Street
And according to the current leadership, not building a wall.
Were all supposed to destroy our way of life.

And yet we some how manage to exist 😂


Well-Known Member
No. I want to know what’s really going on in areas where 0 cases are reported.

Is it 0 because they haven’t tested?
Or is it 0 and they have tested- if so, how many?

I don’t understand how every American, especially our press, is not demanding such info.
I also want to add that our county, specifically, was showing as no data on a state map. Not zero (which appears as blue)...but no data (shown as grey). In the last 24 hours, we've gone from "no data" to 2 confirmed cases and one presumed positive. I'm not going to pretend to know whether that's because no one from our county was tested or not.


Premium Member
No. I want to know what’s really going on in areas where 0 cases are reported.

Is it 0 because they haven’t tested?
Or is it 0 and they have tested- if so, how many?

I don’t understand how every American, especially our press, is not demanding such info.
Realistically though, they're still only testing people who are already presenting symptoms. People can test positive and be asymptomatic, so the data gleaned from test results wouldn't be accurate anyway.

If this thing spreads like it had in other countries, and we're only allowing severely sick people to get treated at this point, then none of the numbers really matter. What matters is that we try, collectively, to flatten the curve.

We will all be exposed. We have to be, for this to become "just like the flu" in future years. But we need to do it slowly enough where it doesn't break our healthcare system.


Well-Known Member
Realistically though, they're still only testing people who are already presenting symptoms. People can test positive and be asymptomatic, so the data gleaned from test results wouldn't be accurate anyway.

There should be a simple list such as this-

Palm Beach County
405 tested
18 positive
3 asymptotic
8 mild
5 severe
2 critical


Well-Known Member
I’m sure you know this. Just because you don’t have symptoms is no reason not to be tested. If you have seniors in your circle it is incumbent upon you to get tested. They are the most vulnerable. You could pass it to them.

It's still a problem given the second part of my post. For better or worse, just because you think you should be tested doesn't mean those with the tests will agree and do it. From what I've heard, they've been quite restrictive in many places.


Well-Known Member
I also want to add that our county, specifically, was showing as no data on a state map. Not zero (which appears as blue)...but no data (shown as grey). In the last 24 hours, we've gone from "no data" to 2 confirmed cases and one presumed positive. I'm not going to pretend to know whether that's because no one from our county was tested or not.

We should know this information. The “experts” should definitely know it.


Well-Known Member
We should know this information. The “experts” should definitely know it.
I'm sure they do. But look at how people are panicking RIGHT NOW. We're just at the beginning stages of the curve right now. If your average Joe Schmoe had access to those numbers, it would be far, far worse.


Premium Member
It’s not political at all. My governor is someone I voted for, in ‘my’ party., and I’m sitting here ranting about him and the government in general. Not everything is about political ‘sides’, life isn’t that shallow. This is about information that should be available to the American people.

Just out of curiosity, say every test was reported to the government (we know this isn't the case from today's Trump speech) and they published the numbers. What is it that you so passionately feel will change by that?


Premium Member
No. I want to know what’s really going on in areas where 0 cases are reported.

Is it 0 because they haven’t tested?
Or is it 0 and they have tested- if so, how many?

I don’t understand how every American, especially our press, is not demanding such info.
West Virginia has 0 positive. They tested 41 people. That’s the only state right now with 0 cases.

You seem to want someone to provide you some facts that will support your theory. Just because you (someone on a Disney forum) don’t have that information doesn’t mean it exists and they are hiding it from you for some reason. You dismiss what the government is saying and what experts say and what independent doctors say because maybe they aren’t experts on this virus but you somehow assume you are. I know nothing myself. I had high school biology that’s the extent of my medical knowledge. I rely on people who specialize in these things. When every doctor, epidemiologist and expert is basically saying the same thing I have a hard time believing they are either all wrong or colluding together. I will pose to you the same question as the other guy, why are there no reputable sources saying this is all an overreaction? Why aren’t doctors who work in the hospitals disputing the claims of the shortage of ICU beds or ventilators. If that was exaggerated someone would be saying it. I’m perfectly willing to listen to an alternate opinion. Nobody outside of a handful of people here seem to think that way.
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