Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Active Member
Well this is some good news, it looks like even Shanghai Disneyland is having cast members return very soon.


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Well-Known Member
What we do and don't know:

  • We know that it kills around 2% (20x the flu) of people with up to 5% in ideal conditions for COVID-19.
  • We do know that without being prepared in the event of an outbreak in a region, there will be hospital bed shortages (not a problem with the flu)
  • The United States will deal with uninsured not getting treatment, though this can be partly mitigated through policy right now. The United States also is a very spread out country unlike China and Japan's populations, but very integrated supply chains compared to them, so we will also discover how that affects COVID-19's spread.
  • We do know that a vaccine is likely due by next year.

Excellent post. Thank you for taking the time to write it. I just wanted to clarify somethings, but otherwise I appreciate your calm and well thought out response.

We do not know the actual fatality rate yet. Based on available date it is around 2 percent. That is highly unlikely. 2 percent is what China is is getting right now, but it’s notably higher in Hubei than any where else in China. This is likely due to them not being able to test everyone in Hubei. In South Korea where they have been able to catch many more asymptomatic carriers through mass screening it is running around 0.5 percent right now. This is likelier closer to reality. Although the rate goes up for the elderly and those with comorbidities. For reference, Measles has a death rate around 0.2 percent, so this is deadlier than the measles. I find it comical people are so against the MMR vaccine which has a much higher death rate in children than CoVID which has nearly no effect on kids so far.

As someone that works in healthcare I can assure you the flu does strain the bed situation in our hospital many times causing holds of up to a day or two in the ED. Some patients never even hit a floor bed as they have been held in the ED the whole time and then get discharged straight from there.

To say the uninsured will not get healthcare is just not accurate. The population I deal with ranges from 85-100 percent Medicaid or uninsured on any given month. They definitely utilize healthcare resources, and the hospital definitely just eats the cost in most circumstances.

To say you know vaccine is coming next year is incredibly optimistic. It could definitely happen, but the FDA approval is long and arduous. Drugs takes many years to develop and many are pulled or fail due to the smallest of circumstances. The Feds will have to pass laws protecting vaccine makers from any unforeseen side effects as there is just know way to have proper clinical trials in that time frame and truly evaluate the safety of a vaccine. It can definitely happen, but a TON of red tape and protections will need to be in place for vaccine manufacturers or they can be exposing themselves to many future lawsuits if unforeseen side effects arise. I can see some type of Good Samaritan laws being drafted to expedite the vaccine process in this situation.

Again thanks for the excellent post. Just wanted to clear some things up.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 453181
When hospitals are overcrowded and filled to capacity, they will not be able to see doctors.
Hospitals in my area are just that on a Normal day. You can't even get a bed. If you call 911 and a volunteer ambulance squad shows up at your home would they be wearing protective gear to protect them from the virus?
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Well-Known Member
Well this is some good news, it looks like even Shanghai Disneyland is having cast members return very soon.
Disney know for its cleanliness will have its work cut out for them. The dust, mildew, and mold will have be scrubbed down to make the show nice and pretty.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Hospitals in my area are just that on a Normal day. You can't even get a bed. If you call 911 and a volunteer ambulance squad shows up at your home would they be wearing protective gear to protect them from the virus?

Thats not the experience of everyone. There is plenty of capacity even for indigent persons near our houses in Georgia and Texas.


Well-Known Member
Fortune 500 companies do not shut down factories, restrict travel, close campuses and tell everyone to phone it in because of the flu.

Countries do not close boarders, set up unprecedented quarantines, and take extreme actions directly impacting their GDP because of the flu.

There isn’t a worldwide run on medical supplies, supply line shutdowns, and airlines canceling flights because of the flu.

Can we please drop the argument that ‘the flu ‘ is bigger & causes more deaths then this with every single new development? When we can compare an entire annual season of Covid-19 vs the flu then come back to me and show me the graphs. Right now, extrapolated numbers from the data we have are causing enough concern for these dramatic reactions. If you can’t personally look at those numbers and feel concern and dread, then please tell me where you got your numbers so I can feel better. Governments, health officials, and businesses are not making any of these decisions flippantly because of some whipped up click-bait news fear-mongering.

Standing the flu up as a straw-man argument does nothing but confuse and muddy the waters here. This. Is. Not. The. Flu.
Fortune 500 companies and governments are capable of over-reacting. The extreme actions were taken, especially in China, because there were many unknowns when the outbreak started. They thought it could be another SARS or MERS type mortality rate and had to take action to slow the spread.

A big part of the issue is that there is the possibility of many times the confirmed cases that are either mild or asymptomatic. At least two of the Americans from the Diamond Princess that were positive for Covid-19 were asymptomatic. This is known because of an interview given by one of them and him giving information about his wife.

It is very possible, if not likely, that there are hundreds or thousands of people in the US with asymptomatic or mild cases where they just think they have a cold. Since people are generally inconsiderate or ignorant, they walk around coughing and sneezing without doing it into their elbow and allow it to spread easily.

You are correct that this is not "the flu" which is caused by the influenza virus. This is a technically different illness. The fact remains that it is quite possibly no worse than the flu when it comes to the number of infections or mortality rate.

There is no data that can prove this one way or the other at this point. All that is known (if the data from China is accurate) is the mortality rate of people that are confirmed to be infected with Covid-19.

The only way to get a handle on the true number of infected people and determine the percentages that become seriously ill or die is to test a large sample of the population in areas that have experienced an outbreak. To my knowledge, this has not been done.

The media needs to report on this more responsibly and try to calm people. It is fine to encourage some precautions but riling up the population to think that the end of days is near is irresponsible. Like I've said before, people have watched too many movies and episodes of The Walking Dead and now think we are on the brink of the apocalypse.

A case in point is that the media constantly reports the TOTAL number of confirmed cases (currently 89,779). When was the last news report that you read or watched that mentioned that 45,512 of those cases are people that have recovered already? There are currently 41,198 confirmed active cases in the world out of a population of 7.8 billion people. That is 0.000528% right now.

Should reasonable precautions be taken to try and prevent more people from getting this virus? Absolutely. Should precautions include locking down large swaths of countries and economies? Based on what is known about the virus at this point, absolutely not.


Well-Known Member
The parks will take a hit. It is not a question of if they will but how much.
The downward trend is because of the containment seen in China. Containment which is irreproducible elsewhere. Only an authoritarian regime can produce the results which they have. Chinese people are very disciplined and cooperative.

It has not had enough time to truly "blow up" in other countries in order to increase the number of serious and critical cases.

Or being an Authortarian Government, can you know....not have the most checked and balanced results.


Well-Known Member
The downward trend is because of the containment seen in China. Containment which is irreproducible elsewhere. Only an authoritarian regime can produce the results which they have. Chinese people are very disciplined and cooperative.

It has not had enough time to truly "blow up" in other countries in order to increase the number of serious and critical cases.
Technically, Governors (for their states) or the President (for the country) could declare martial law and do what China did. There would be legal challenges and it would have to be REALLY bad for it to be attempted but it "could" be done in the USA.


Premium Member
I do NOT want to get political here... but we don't panic like this over the flu. The majority of people dying are similar to the flu... preexisting conditions or elderly. Sure there will be one-offs/exceptions just like the flu and any illness but the majority of the people who gets this will be fine.

Someone who recently had the virus said it was nothing, just like a bad cold. I think part of the panic here is we don't know enough about the virus yet or how it is spread etc, but all signs point to a flu-like virus.

Take care of yourself, wash your hands, don't overreact or panic and live your life


Well-Known Member
I do NOT want to get political here... but we don't panic like this over the flu. The majority of people dying are similar to the flu... preexisting conditions or elderly. Sure there will be one-offs/exceptions just like the flu and any illness but the majority of the people who gets this will be fine.

Someone who recently had the virus said it was nothing, just like a bad cold. I think part of the panic here is we don't know enough about the virus yet or how it is spread etc, but all signs point to a flu-like virus.

Take care of yourself, wash your hands, don't overreact or panic and live your life
We don’t panic over the flu because of the low percentages of people who require hospitalization and die. The pure numbers are lower, but the percentages so much higher that if it was as widespread as the flu there would be a serious strain on healthcare services and a lot more deaths.


Well-Known Member
We don’t panic over the flu because of the low percentages of people who require hospitalization and die. The pure numbers are lower, but the percentages so much higher that if it was as widespread as the flu there would be a serious strain on healthcare services and a lot more deaths.
We do not know the percentages. There is no available data on the number of asymptomatic or mild covid-19 cases. We know they do exist for sure.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
I do NOT want to get political here... but we don't panic like this over the flu. The majority of people dying are similar to the flu... preexisting conditions or elderly. Sure there will be one-offs/exceptions just like the flu and any illness but the majority of the people who gets this will be fine.

Someone who recently had the virus said it was nothing, just like a bad cold. I think part of the panic here is we don't know enough about the virus yet or how it is spread etc, but all signs point to a flu-like virus.

Take care of yourself, wash your hands, don't overreact or panic and live your life
Panic doesn't generate Click$. The fact that the vast majority of people who test positive for CV-19 experience mild to no symptoms isn't profitable for the media.
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