Oh YES! While my Mother never bought the colored....
likely it was 20 cents more expensive....Not only were they to compliment the bathrooms, I suspect they were to compliment the toilet/tub/sink craze that was the rage in the 1950's. Yes under peeling coats of white is my 1950's pale yellow tub(and it's days are numbered), my neighbor had pale pink, and I have spotted a pale blue toilet out by the curb in my area. (NOTE TO MENTION these beauties lasted up to 60 years!!!! )
No green that I can recall observing, but there you go. Now we all choose safe choice of white to not commit!
And now we can pay for just about any image on custom TP.....including image of that man in the white house.....with matching toilet bowl scrubber(to make your toilet great again)....money etc.
And while I have not succumbed to the TP panic.....I did in fact make sure mine was still available on Amazon Prime....and sighed a breath of relief that it was....
. I guess TP in the hand beats the uncertainty that Amazon truck will be hijacked!!!!