Well-Known Member
We have had similar issues up here, not boating... but people going to our lovely sea walls and hiking trails.
The issue is, one person sees a small group doing it... so they bring their small group. And then the next does.. and the next. And before you know it too many people are out doing that, thinking it’s fine as someone else was.
So now they are closing hiking spots here.
People have taken to cycling and walking in big cemeteries as they are quiet, and now more people are... so now they are having to put signs up about distancing.
It’s sad, it sucks. But if we all just stay home for a while, and stop thinking it’s just me or my small group, as it just creates a perception that leads to encouraging others to do the same.
My governor has been encouraging people to go to parks, hike, fish, bike etc. He is not saying to stay literally confined in your home.
I thought this is what the majority of the states were doing.