I think some of you are underestimating the effects a rising death toll will have on the will of people to want to get back to normal life. Jobs will be one thing, but continued actions by local and federal government can tamp down the fear of not getting paid (which is why other countries went straight to covering a percentage of pay). There will always be some percentage of people who will resist, but despite all the pictures of morons (cases still are developing, so they have to come from somewhere), the vast majority of people seem to be following the rules. I think I saw the polling seems to be an 80-20% split between heeding the restrictions, and those who think it's overboard.
If there are riots, it will because people are starving and have been kicked out of their homes (again, governments can allay these issues). Not because they can't they can't eat out or go to a movie. The worse the numbers get, IMO, the more people will be okay just holing up somewhere with family and comfort food, and more cautious about when to pop their heads back out.