There's a killer in your house!! Quick, lock the doors to keep out other possible killers!!!!!
This is the damnedest stupidest thing I've seen, next to the ban on travel from Europe excepting the UK when the UK and US already had community spread.
It's in your house. Stop worrying about it getting 'in.'
It's in. Your. House. Already. Governor.
The person flying or driving in from NY is not any more a concern then the thousands of people in your state who are infected... who you haven't locked down yet. Sure, quarantine the New Yorker, but let the infected in your state run free.
Road blocks *might* make sense if you were testing everyone traveling, or you knew for sure that your community was 100% CV free. Or, your own state was on lockdown and had travel bans. But again, not enough tests to make sure.
And of course, no Floridian would ever travel to NYC and return to Florida. Unheard of! Floridians couldn't possibly have done this to themselves... it's those dirty New Yorkers!
{Many of the first cases in the U.S. wasn't because of Chinese people entering the U.S., but U.S. citizens traveling to China and back.}