Who in their right mind is taking health advice from social media? Yeah, I know, a lot are.
But that is a very, very, very, very dumb thing to do.
Please, everyone, just go to your state health website for local information. And go to CDC or WHO site for the most up to date medical information.
If your choice of news reporting isn't quoting these sources, turn them off and never go back to them. They are dangerous to your health. Seriously, any social media whether it is a Twitter account, a Facebook repost of some article, a pod cast, a website, a broadcast news channel... if they're not quoting the CDC and actual state health agencies, turn them off (unsubscribe, unfriend, block) and never go back to them again. They're not only not worth it, they can cause you more harm than good.
You're not going to find the CDC telling you to stop taking Advil (Ibuprofen).
And, under a better safe than sorry doctrine. WHO recommended not taking Ibuprofen for a hot minute because of one French doctor's claim, but has since dropped their don't-take recommendation: