This. All of this...makes me sooooooo tired. And frustrated.
I get that *you* are fine, but there are so many that can't truly defend themselves against this. And as long as we continue to let the virus ebb and flow (and to be clear, there will be other spikes), people like me will need to continue to be hyper cautious, wearing an N95 everywhere. Which is not only uncomfortable, but also socially ostracizing. I have also been subjected to "coaching" by freedom-loving anti-maskers, who love to call me a "sheep", or stupid, while spouting that Covid is a hoax. This has occurred both at work and out in public, and it's not fun. However my own personal health situation, which puts me squarely in the immuno-suppressed high-risk category, leaves me no choice.
So, yeah. I am disappointed that our society can't pull together and all work together to defeat this once and for all.