Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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The number of new cases are dropping quickly in NY, NJ and FL. The US cases are also dropping but not as fast due to the western spread. Anyway, today's numbers are 227 cases per 100k in the US as a whole and 48 hospitalizations and 0.59 deaths. FL is at 212 cases, 54 hospitalizations and 0.43 deaths. NY is at 206 cases, 66 hospitalizations and 1.09 deaths. NJ is at 177 cases, 66 deaths and 0.93 deaths. Further, NJ is about to enter the top 10 lowest states with Covid. That is an extremely fast drop from being one of the worst.


Well-Known Member
I ordered the 4 free tests and had no issues at the link.

It's a joke though, 4? Some households have 10 or more people in the home. I am guessing the less wall off a family is and the more difficult it is for them to get tested, the more people they have in the home. Better than nothing I guess. I'll probably take those 4 tests to FL since it seems getting tested there is tough. It amazes me that a place like FL that relies on tourism doesn't have the best system in the entire world in place for testing. FL should be a model for testing, not sure why they aren't. They just do not put their resources there I guess.

We are lucky, here in IL I can go online enter my information go take a test with less than a 5 minute wait and it's only 15 minutes from my home. I can also choose one of 3 different tests. Try going on Walgreens, CVS etc, they have 3 day waits, plus. Our county facility has from 10 to over 100 openings per day. The county sends the results to email in either an hour or 24 to 48 hours if you do the PCR test. So far between all of us in the home we have used our county 10 times(it is subcontracted) , never more than a 5min wait.

The at home tests are nice and we have done 4 so far (could only get my hands on 4 tests ordered and picked up same day at Walmart). Still, it is so convenient right now for us with the county facility and we know the results are going to be better.

As far as anyone saying the N95 hurt or leave mark and they will take their chances just vaccinated with no masks can only say that if they never had a family member on a ventilator or a friend die on one. They would never take that chance(well maybe they would and do) saying the N95 band hurts I am not wearing it after seeing 2 months of suffering for the person to die anyhow and yeah, from omicron. If they can see that and still not wear an N95 based on comfort, well I don't know what to think about that. The ratio of positive tests to deaths may be lower, BUT 1700 people a day are still dying, the same as under Delta. I guess the population is so numb to it.

Here is a story that makes me so proud. I wake up this morning and go to say goodbye to my 20 year old, he is off to the second day of a new job at his school. He has one of my real 3M N95 masks on that I still have from before Covid. These masks are tight as hell and he has an Afro for the most part so it is really tight. It looks so tight, but dam no air is getting past the sides of this thing.

I say, here is a new style N95 you can wear this mask it is still an N95, it is more comfortable and not as tight. You know what the kid says to me. Well I am not feeling well and I don't want to get anyone sick. This blew my mind. My 20 year old didn't say yeah give me the mask that is more comfortable, it's still an N95. He doesn't say I do not want to get sick. His entire mindset was that he didn't want to get anyone else sick! You can try to teach that, but for the most part that is empathy gained through out a person's life. If every single person in the USA thought this way there is a good chance Covid would already be beat.

I am bragging again. I am so proud of him, a 20 year old son of a Conservative Republican still thinking about others before himself, not his personal rights, not comfort and not if he will get sick, but about others. So my day started out good!
It has nothing to do with a family being well off or not. I'm ordering them because the sites around here are too limited, and rapid tests are still for under 18 or over 50. In a county of 42k, there are 4 testing sites, 2 CVS, 1 Walgreens, 1 health department. No home tests available. The 2 doctors offices limiting testing to patients with at least 2 mild symptoms or 1 severe, they refer people to the other test sites for anything else. Even then appointments are a few days out. Was lucky Saturday they had a popup site for the weekend open until 8pm, got a call from DD13s after school program around 6pm one of her assigned kids tested positive. Was able to get in immediately. Without it being there, we wouldn't have been able to get in for a test until Wednesday. She was more upset she might need to miss school than she had to get a covid test.


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with a family being well off or not. I'm ordering them because the sites around here are too limited, and rapid tests are still for under 18 or over 50. In a county of 42k, there are 4 testing sites, 2 CVS, 1 Walgreens, 1 health department. No home tests available. The 2 doctors offices limiting testing to patients with at least 2 mild symptoms or 1 severe, they refer people to the other test sites for anything else. Even then appointments are a few days out. Was lucky Saturday they had a popup site for the weekend open until 8pm, got a call from DD13s after school program around 6pm one of her assigned kids tested positive. Was able to get in immediately. Without it being there, we wouldn't have been able to get in for a test until Wednesday. She was more upset she might need to miss school than she had to get a covid test.
When we had a close contact notification, we struggled to find tests too. I did get tipped off about some at a Walgreens. It is though to find in some places. Schools and libraries who easily handed out for free now cannot get supplies. Money or not, they just are hard to find.


Well-Known Member
I literally just said in the post you quoted that clearly, things changed with Omicron.

I also don't think that anyone here has said anything about this changing the fact that the best idea is obviously for everyone to be getting vaccinated.

What is frankly scary to some of us is that we can't discuss things honestly because, as you have here - it gets twisted into some anti-vaxx nonsense to acknowledge the documented reality of how this has all unfolded. It's like we are some cultists who must ascribe to the current talking points and not acknowledge anything else that may be perceived to be inconvenient to the current narrative. It's been going on since this began.

To be honest, it's the gaslighting that is giving ammunition to the anti-vaxxers more than anything else. When you deny reality to someone, even with the best of intentions, they are just going to dig their heels in even more. And less likely to believe in anything else you say.
It sure is something to behold.


Well-Known Member
I literally just said in the post you quoted that clearly, things changed with Omicron.

I also don't think that anyone here has said anything about this changing the fact that the best idea is obviously for everyone to be getting vaccinated.

What is frankly scary to some of us is that we can't discuss things honestly because, as you have here - it gets twisted into some anti-vaxx nonsense to acknowledge the documented reality of how this has all unfolded. It's like we are some cultists who must ascribe to the current talking points and not acknowledge anything else that may be perceived to be inconvenient to the current narrative. It's been going on since this began.

To be honest, it's the gaslighting that is giving ammunition to the anti-vaxxers more than anything else. When you deny reality to someone, even with the best of intentions, they are just going to dig their heels in even more. And less likely to believe in anything else you say.
To be real, not all got their news from same sources. News tries to extrapolate data. Some worded it differently than others. Some intentionally misguided. Not all heard the same ideas. As one with friends of all walks I can say it's not necessarily gaslighting - which is intentionally making another doubt their reality. It's a lot to do with how the media presented data. I see it happening now with 4th dose news. The spinning of news varies with what you think is happening and what's being explained. Headlines to lure in and mislead for clicks are problematic too. Not all were given the same stories which to me is the bigger issue at hand. So have some understanding that we all were not "told" the same thing.


Well-Known Member
To be real, not all got their news from same sources. News tries to extrapolate data. Some worded it differently than others. Some intentionally misguided. Not all heard the same ideas. As one with friends of all walks I can say it's not necessarily gaslighting - which is intentionally making another doubt their reality. It's a lot to do with how the media presented data. I see it happening now with 4th dose news. The spinning of news varies with what you think is happening and what's being explained. Headlines to lure in and mislead for clicks are problematic too. Not all were given the same stories which to me is the bigger issue at hand. So have some understanding that we all were not "told" the same thing.
Some anti vaxxers who have covid are starting to believe in the Regeneron treatment that FL leaders are pushing for even though some doctors expressed doubt it can help improve Omicron symptoms for the unvax affected by Covid.


Well-Known Member
Some anti vaxxers who have covid re starting to believe in the RRegeneron reatmentthat FL leaders are pushing for even though some doctors expressed doubt it can help improve Omicron symptoms for the ununvaxffected by Covid.
Honestly, have little clue as to what you are talking about with this as I don't follow FL politics nor do I discuss politics ere at the request of moderators... my point was that people here are not gaslighting, they are unaware of what others are hearing and being told. We're not all told the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, have little clue as to what you are talking about with this as I don't follow FL politics nor do I discuss politics ere at the request of moderators... my point was that people here are not gaslighting, they are unaware of what others are hearing and being told. We're not all told the same thing.
It is not all being told the same thing. It is how each of us comprehend what is being said. Some that rely on social media as truth are clouded in their thinking and comprehension.


Well-Known Member
It is not all being told the same thing. It is how each of us comprehend what is being said. Some that rely on social media as truth are clouded in their thinking and comprehension.
There is some of that too. But there are a lot more incorrect interpretations by the news to start with. Use the Facui quote recently about exposure and who will catch covid. News articles took exposure and said we'll all get sick, when in the actual quote Fauci says differently. It's not comprehension as that's the ability to understand. They have the ability to get it, but they choose to spin to fit agendas. Add in people not understanding and it is a mess. But we absolutely are getting different stories to start with. So if someone says "we were told xyz" they very well could have been where those who were told differently really were just given different extrapolation of data.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you, financial / weird incentives haven't seemed to work in Canada.

Do you know what raise the vaccine uptake rate? Vaccine passports and restrictions on non-essential activities for the unvaccinated.
Right take a persons ability to go to the bar, a concert or even Disney and they go get the vaccinated.



Well-Known Member
Had the employees self reported, no problem.

If he went into individual health data, big problem
If he did that it is 100% justified to suspend and then terminate him. Important note, I said "IF."

I know of hospital administrators who have been fired for looking at employee health records that had nothing to do with COVID.

He could have made his point without exact numbers and just done a survey of his department.

Yes, targeting him is probably political in nature but when in a political position you need to know not give easy ammunition to your opponents. He could have just sent a memo detailing the consequences of the staffing issues and expressing his opinion that it is irresponsible for health department employees to not be vaccinated. There was no need to do anything that could put his job at risk.

Also, a small pet peeves but someone in his position should write with proper verb tense when sending out a memo.


Well-Known Member
There is some of that too. But there are a lot more incorrect interpretations by the news to start with. Use the Facui quote recently about exposure and who will catch covid. News articles took exposure and said we'll all get sick, when in the actual quote Fauci says differently. It's not comprehension as that's the ability to understand. They have the ability to get it, but they choose to spin to fit agendas. Add in people not understanding and it is a mess. But we absolutely are getting different stories to start with. So if someone says "we were told xyz" they very well could have been where those who were told differently really were just given different extrapolation of data.
I agree that Fauci did not say everyone will get Omicron. He said everyone would probably be exposed to it and there is a big difference between getting exposed and getting infected.

I'm not sure what point he was trying to make but he should have been more clear. What he should have said is that everyone will likely be exposed which makes it more important to get vaccinated to minimize your risk.


Well-Known Member

Because we're talking about the rapid antigen tests, this is probably a good opportunity to explain when to use the antigen vs. the PCR tests. Here's a quick summary:

- Rapid home antigen test: Use for symptomatic cases, or to test for resolution of the illness after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. They should NOT be used for post-exposure, or pre-symptomatic suspicion, because the tests are not sensitive enough to detect the likely low viral load at this point.

-PCR: Can be used for post-exposure, pre-symptomatic or symptomatic suspicion. They are far more sensitive than the rapid antigen test in the asymptomatic or presymptomatic stage, but if symptoms do develop after a negative PCR test, rechecking is reasonable, since the sensitivity increases with higher viral loads. The PCR test should not be used as a test of cure, because residual, non-functional viral RNA fragments can remain in the nose for up to several weeks after the patient is no longer contagious.


Well-Known Member

Because we're talking about the rapid antigen tests, this is probably a good opportunity to explain when to use the antigen vs. the PCR tests. Here's a quick summary:

- Rapid home antigen test: Use for symptomatic cases, or to test for resolution of the illness after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. They should NOT be used for post-exposure, or pre-symptomatic suspicion, because the tests are not sensitive enough to detect the likely low viral load at this point.

-PCR: Can be used for post-exposure, pre-symptomatic or symptomatic suspicion. They are far more sensitive than the rapid antigen test in the asymptomatic or presymptomatic stage, but if symptoms do develop after a negative PCR test, rechecking is reasonable, since the sensitivity increases with higher viral loads. The PCR test should not be used as a test of cure, because residual, non-functional viral RNA fragments can remain in the nose for up to several weeks after the patient is no longer contagious.
When I had on / off headaches for a few days , no fever, I got a PCR test which in 48 hours came back negative. The doctor told me the PCR test is the gold standard to test for Covid.


Well-Known Member

Because we're talking about the rapid antigen tests, this is probably a good opportunity to explain when to use the antigen vs. the PCR tests. Here's a quick summary:

- Rapid home antigen test: Use for symptomatic cases, or to test for resolution of the illness after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. They should NOT be used for post-exposure, or pre-symptomatic suspicion, because the tests are not sensitive enough to detect the likely low viral load at this point.

-PCR: Can be used for post-exposure, pre-symptomatic or symptomatic suspicion. They are far more sensitive than the rapid antigen test in the asymptomatic or presymptomatic stage, but if symptoms do develop after a negative PCR test, rechecking is reasonable, since the sensitivity increases with higher viral loads. The PCR test should not be used as a test of cure, because residual, non-functional viral RNA fragments can remain in the nose for up to several weeks after the patient is no longer contagious.
When possible yes, unfortunately the lack of availability is hindering that. I was told to get DD13 "whatever is available".


Well-Known Member
I agree, although I'd point out that's true for both ends of the spectrum and many think it happens on one end.
When some are brainwashed to hear and believe that the media is " the enemy of the people " this irresponsible and dangerous statement clouds some gullible minds. It is also no surprise that this pandemic of the unvaccinated has turned our country upside down.
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Well-Known Member

Because we're talking about the rapid antigen tests, this is probably a good opportunity to explain when to use the antigen vs. the PCR tests. Here's a quick summary:

- Rapid home antigen test: Use for symptomatic cases, or to test for resolution of the illness after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. They should NOT be used for post-exposure, or pre-symptomatic suspicion, because the tests are not sensitive enough to detect the likely low viral load at this point.

Except we were actually told by various health officials to use the rapid tests for just such pre-symptomatic suspicion prior to holiday gatherings. The thought being you could be one of the cases that has a sufficient viral load but no symptoms. (For the past 2 years we've talked about that scenario being a curse of Covid - lots of pre/asymptomatic spread.)

I'm agreed that with tests hard to find, these days saving them for symptoms is probably a better route. But I don't think that's been universally true.
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