Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Active Member
What does TWDC have anything to do with past war and current COVID body counts?
Weelll... you're entitled to an answer to that. I may not have been clear.
I meant to associate...
[1] an attraction that brings in 20 million people per year...
[2] with crowded theme parks with a resperatory disease which is spread within crowds.

Airlines, hotels, restaurants, and bars are associated with COVID-19 as well. You and everyone else are entitled to take whatever risks you wish. The unfortunate truth is as we gamble with public health, third parties (relatives, friends, store clerks, etc.) share in that gamble. If we lose our gamble, we carry the virus and the pandemic continues. It seems we could be headed for a death toll of over 1,000,000. No one wants that, but too many people are unwilling to give up a beer at the bar, or a magical day in a theme park to put a stop to it.


Well-Known Member
I had a thought about the at home and infused treatments, if the goal is to reduce virus replication to lessen the severity of the symptoms and it works does that mean these people will not have enough antibodies from their body's response to the infection leaving them open to reinfection? Hmmmmm


Premium Member
In an ideal world, yes, we would want to know this information, but logistically, it would be extremely difficult to collect and process enough blood samples to obtain useful estimates for the entire population. Our phlebotomists and labs have other priorities right now. Not to mention that it's hard enough convincing enough people to take a free and effective vaccine. Imagine the political optics is we suddenly said "We need to draw blood from everyone for .... research purposes." Imagine the conspiracy theories that would generate.

Reminds me of an old Mitch Hedberg joke. " I went to the see the doctor today, but all he did was draw blood. Do not go to see Dr. Acula."

It's also my understanding that we still don't know what level of antibodies are needed to give you protection. So even though the numbers would be interesting, they might not tell us much about how protected people are.


Well-Known Member
Covid19 is rising like crazy. Yes, NY and NJ look like they are on their way to 100 plus cases per 100k. Florida is at 33 after today's report. This is totally insane and a worry. The good news is that rates are rising so fast that it may burn itself out in 6 weeks or so. If it doesn't we may have to cancel our end of January trip, so I hope cases keep doubling like in NY, every 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Covid19 is rising like crazy. Yes, NY and NJ look like they are on their way to 100 plus cases per 100k. Florida is at 33 after today's report. This is totally insane and a worry. The good news is that rates are rising so fast that it may burn itself out in 6 weeks or so. If it doesn't we may have to cancel our end of January trip, so I hope cases keep doubling like in NY, every 3 days.
Worse than cases rising is in my area the hospitalizations are up 80% month over month. They note that ~90% are unvaccinated. This is just taking off


Well-Known Member
Covid19 is rising like crazy. Yes, NY and NJ look like they are on their way to 100 plus cases per 100k. Florida is at 33 after today's report. This is totally insane and a worry. The good news is that rates are rising so fast that it may burn itself out in 6 weeks or so. If it doesn't we may have to cancel our end of January trip, so I hope cases keep doubling like in NY, every 3 days.
So What you’re saying is that New York’s vaccine passports, mandatory vaccines, and forcibly masking toddlers isn’t working?

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
So What you’re saying is that New York’s vaccine passports, mandatory vaccines, and forcibly masking toddlers isn’t working?
Covid is like most things involving mother nature, we can take steps to lessen our risk but ultimately she’s going to do what she‘s going to do.

Humans like to think we can control everything but even the best built house can fall victim to a tornado, forrest fire, flood, hurricane, etc. Taking measures to prevent catastrophes doesn’t guarantee they won’t happen, it just makes them less likely to happen.

Being in a house designed for earthquakes doesn’t mean it won’t collapse when the big one hits but I’d rather be in that house than one built before the standards changed. Limiting risk is the best we can do against nature.


Well-Known Member
Today we met friends for beignets at French Quarter. We wanted to take the boat back to Disney Springs. First boat... They could take 6 people (3 in front of us and we were a party of 5, so no room). 2nd boat was going to Riverside said another boat in 20 minutes. 3rd boat completely full, said they were down boats. 4th boat was the 2nd boat going the other way. We were able to get on that one. Total time in line was about 50 minutes, and remember we were 3rd in line originally. Boat driver said, "Thank you for being patient for those of us who actually showed up for work today." So apparently, the boats were messed up because of call-outs. Like I said... January should be "fun" for anyone traveling during that time.


Well-Known Member
Today we met friends for beignets at French Quarter. We wanted to take the boat back to Disney Springs. First boat... They could take 6 people (3 in front of us and we were a party of 5, so no room). 2nd boat was going to Riverside said another boat in 20 minutes. 3rd boat completely full, said they were down boats. 4th boat was the 2nd boat going the other way. We were able to get on that one. Total time in line was about 50 minutes, and remember we were 3rd in line originally. Boat driver said, "Thank you for being patient for those of us who actually showed up for work today." So apparently, the boats were messed up because of call-outs. Like I said... January should be "fun" for anyone traveling during that time.
Could be people testing positive needing to quarantine until a clear test. I don't think the boat driver labor pool is that deep. They may have a protocol in place that removes them from guest contact


Well-Known Member
So What you’re saying is that New York’s vaccine passports, mandatory vaccines, and forcibly masking toddlers isn’t working?
It means it's not enough, not that it's not working.

NY still only has 71% of population fully vaccinated. Nowhere near enough to get past the inflection point where cases drop for Delta and definitely not for Omicron. Delta probably needed over 80% or 85%, Omicron may need 90% or 95%. Apparently those vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines haven't had enough impact yet.

Good news for those vaccinated, at least for Delta, it's still working wonderfully. This chart really needs some recent data added in. Until we get that extra data, harder to say about Omicron.

The bad news, Delta is still going strong and now Omicron appears to be joining not displacing it. And with a speed, 13.1% in the second chart vs 2% the week prior.



Well-Known Member
It means it's not enough, not that it's not working.

NY still only has 71% of population fully vaccinated. Nowhere near enough to get past the inflection point where cases drop for Delta and definitely not for Omicron. Delta probably needed over 80% or 85%, Omicron may need 90% or 95%. Apparently those vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines haven't had enough impact yet.

Good news for those vaccinated, at least for Delta, it's still working wonderfully. This chart really needs some recent data added in. Until we get that extra data, harder to say about Omicron.

The bad news, Delta is still going strong and now Omicron appears to be joining not displacing it. And with a speed, 13.1% in the second chart vs 2% the week prior.

Nonsense. Cornell has 99% of its students vaccinated and it has a strict mask mandate. Over 1200 students contracted Covid forcing the school to go to remote learning.

Just accept the fact that masks don’t work and the vaccines don’t stop transmission.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. Cornell has 99% of its students vaccinated and it has a strict mask mandate. Over 1200 students contracted Covid forcing the school to go to remote learning.

Just accept the fact that masks don’t work and the vaccines don’t stop transmission.
I’m guessing that the Cornell students are masked in class and other public areas, but not during their “off/non-school” time (dorms, parties, etc). That’s where the spread is occurring.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. Cornell has 99% of its students vaccinated and it has a strict mask mandate. Over 1200 students contracted Covid forcing the school to go to remote learning.

Just accept the fact that masks don’t work and the vaccines don’t stop transmission.
Do you think that without vaccination or masks Cornell would have had less, the same, or more cases than that 1200?

CDC says Tompkins County, New York is running 76.2% of Total Population vaccinated. So, there's plenty of supply of unvaccinated in the area to keep the community level up. Even if the school rate is higher, they do interact with the larger community.
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Premium Member
Nonsense. Cornell has 99% of its students vaccinated and it has a strict mask mandate. Over 1200 students contracted Covid forcing the school to go to remote learning.

Just accept the fact that masks don’t work and the vaccines don’t stop transmission.

Can't accept a "fact" that isn't true. The science is pretty solid that masks and vaccines both reduce transmission, but it's not enough to completely prevent it from spreading.


Well-Known Member
I’m guessing that the Cornell students are masked in class and other public areas, but not during their “off/non-school” time (dorms, parties, etc). That’s where the spread is occurring.
I've read Cornell has run out of isolation housing including town hotel rooms so some university students afraid to get infected by roommates and being in dorms were resorting to sleeping in classrooms as a last resort.
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