Let's hope they can hold their stuff together for the next 6-8 weeks then and get there. Since, nobody has high enough vaccination rate yet.They are currently only including 12+ in the stats. I'm sure that the 80%+ fully vaccinated states above will be at 85% within 6 weeks or so now that 5+ is eligible. There's still 10% or so with one shot that can add to that number in the ensuing time as well.
State 12+ Population
VT 81.3% 71.8%
ME 80.8% 71.2%
MA 80.2% 70.2%
RI 81.6% 71.5%
CT 81.7% 71.2%
All of them need at 13% plus swing. Best case, 6 weeks from now is Christmas and 8 is end of the first week of January.
We know one dose wasn't great against Alpha and was practically nothing against Delta. We're counting on all those 5-11 year olds to treat Turkey Day as "unvaccinated" even though they're "2 weeks after first shot".
We're just not highly vaccinated until we are, no matter how much we wanted to be prior to the holidays.
I posted on 10/25 that my county "% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age" with "At least One Dose" was at 99.9% and 90.8% "Fully Vaccinated". Almost 3 weeks ago, half way through a 6 week time from First Dose to Fully. Only a third if you're conservative and use 8 weeks to get there. Need to move the rate 9 points to line them up. Today, we're at 91.9% 12+ Fully vaccinated. It's only moved 1 point in the almost 3 weeks. It's not on track to get there in 8 weeks.
In that same time, Population moved from 77.5% to 78%, a mere half a point.
I'll be amazed (and delighted) if those states are over 85% of population fully vaccinated by 2022. That would be a lovely new year, but I doubt it.