Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I really don't like talking about vloggers but if anyone has been paying attention to what's going on with Michael Kay, it's pretty cringe.

He went on the Disney cruise last week, filming and showing himself taking the test at the port saying that everyone had to do it (that's only required for those not vaccinated). People began calling him out and questioning if he was not vaccinated and he's been deleting comments along with the first 8 minutes of the video initially uploaded showing the testing.

Even worse, while Disney had no inside masks for those vaccinated, he had filmed and posted many videos being maskless indoors. Really frustrating someone with a decent following like that would be spreading misinformation about the cruise process, and then try to cover and hide the fact that he was blatantly ignoring Disney's rules in other areas. I truly hate the honor system while cases are as high as they are and have no desire for Disney to return to it anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Or you could just let people make there own oersonal decisions about there bodies and stop penalizing them for it. They know the risks. (Or should) ps you sound like alot of fun at parties. 😅
So does that mean we can unplug unvaccinated COVID patients to free up resources to treat other patients? They made a choice, right? Why should someone else have to wait in pain for weeks or months because of the personal decision made by others?


Well-Known Member
Or you could just let people make there own oersonal decisions about there bodies and stop penalizing them for it. They know the risks. (Or should) ps you sound like alot of fun at parties. 😅
I just don’t understand how that is a remotely reasonable answer at this point. By making your own decision to not get vaccinated you are putting healthcare workers at risk. These people have been working crazy hours for a year and a half, many have died and watched their coworkers die, they have families, they have mental health to consider. I just do not understand how people cannot see past the end of their own nose. It’s not about you. It is about our community


Premium Member
Than why are cases up in places with overwelmingly vaxed populations? Like Massachusetts for example.
I could probably beat a 1 leg man in a race but I wouldn’t describe either of us as fast. MA is at 65% fully vaccinated. Lots of unvaccinated folks still to burn through. We also have to look at level of cases being up. MA has seen an uptick but is still 80% below the Jan peak. There are degrees of up.


Premium Member
Or you could just let people make there own oersonal decisions about there bodies and stop penalizing them for it. They know the risks. (Or should) ps you sound like alot of fun at parties. 😅
Shouldn‘t this apply to drunk driving too? People know the risks of getting behind the wheel drunk. Shouldn’t we let them make their own personal decision about their bodies? Seems pretty silly when you put it that way.


Premium Member
It has nothing to do with weeping. If you keep all the costs the same but you take away 1/3 of the revenue you lose money and eventually run out of cash to pay your bills and pay your employees. It’s basic economics. The bailout cash you are complaining about is the exact thing that would be needed indefinitely to keep planes in the air.
Anytime I see “basic economics” around here…it’s typically an excuse to ignore the failing motives of men and money. Case in point.


Premium Member
Than why are cases up in places with overwelmingly vaxed populations? Like Massachusetts for example.
Are their hospitalizations 162% above the 2020 peak today?
Or you could just let people make there own oersonal decisions about there bodies and stop penalizing them for it. They know the risks. (Or should) ps you sound like alot of fun at parties. 😅
Hey!!! The “ma freedom” idea!!
Been soo long since I heard that one…
I could probably beat a 1 leg man in a race but I wouldn’t describe either of us as fast. MA is at 65% fully vaccinated. Lots of unvaccinated folks still to burn through. We also have to look at level of cases being up. MA has seen an uptick but is still 80% below the Jan peak. There are degrees of up.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
I really don't like talking about vloggers but if anyone has been paying attention to what's going on with Michael Kay, it's pretty cringe.

He went on the Disney cruise last week, filming and showing himself taking the test at the port saying that everyone had to do it (that's only required for those not vaccinated). People began calling him out and questioning if he was not vaccinated and he's been deleting comments along with the first 8 minutes of the video initially uploaded showing the testing.

Even worse, while Disney had no inside masks for those vaccinated, he had filmed and posted many videos being maskless indoors. Really frustrating someone with a decent following like that would be spreading misinformation about the cruise process, and then try to cover and hide the fact that he was blatantly ignoring Disney's rules in other areas. I truly hate the honor system while cases are as high as they are and have no desire for Disney to return to it anytime soon.
There is more to the story. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Nothing is a guarantee. Prepare yourself for the possibility, if not likelihood, that the mask mandate will extend at that point too. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
So mask mandate will extend into 2023/2024.....? NOOOOOO!!!
I don't want more future waves to bigger problems for years which mask mandate may extend until 2024. As this is going to be very long mask mandate for trains, buses and planes for four years long. @GoofGoof


Well-Known Member
I would seriously like to know what could have been done to stop this trend, say...4 weeks ago..5 weeks ago. Because from what I have seen, once you have to react to spread (which is what every state has done since the beginning), it is already too late.
So, an anecdotal example, but I have been behaving as if the mandates never went away. As if I were my own “state”, with all mandates in place.

My doctor initially told me I could ditch the mask when we reached 70% vaxx. Ha! That total now needs to be much higher.

So, in my own “state” of self, I continue to wear a double mask (even when work said they were optional), distance myself from others, don’t eat out or travel on public transportation. And even while I work, I won’t eat my meals indoors. I go outside, in the FL heat, to enjoy my lunch.

I also have dutifully received my vaxx’s (plus a third), and have “mandated” that my family got theirs as well.

All of these mitigations have kept my “land of self” Covid/free. And considering I work in a place where I have exposure to the public, I am quite proud of the mitigations I’ve taken to get this far.

Transferring that to the general public, we should have continued to socially distance, keep masked, and avoided crowded indoor mask-free settings. That’s what I would’ve done a governmental policy-maker.

Oh, and require everyone to get vaxx’d.


Which is funny because I think this thread is the most emotional based, least scientifically accurate conversation o COVID I have seen that pits people against each other and has people on the extreme side of both sides. For me this thread is nothing more than a car wreck I can't look away from.
I had to reread this again today since it is sooooo good.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
Or you could just let people make there own oersonal decisions about there bodies and stop penalizing them for it. They know the risks. (Or should) ps you sound like alot of fun at parties. 😅
Stop, please. As has been stated over and over and over again, a choice not to get vaccinated has severe negative effects on our entire society at large, leading to tragic and unnecessary illness and deaths as well as mental stress and economic instability for everyone. Exercising the so-called “freedom” not to vaccinate is a short-sighted and extraordinarily selfish decision. This attitude is one of the reasons we’re still stuck in this mess.

P.S. There are plenty of folks who would like to be a lot of fun at parties right now but can’t, because, you know, there’s a pandemic going on. But that was a pretty cheap shot you threw out there at someone who definitely doesn’t deserve it.
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