If the current problems are 99% with people who have chosen not to be vaccinated why do I need to do any of what you say? I'm fully vaccinated so, for me, everything is fine.
Look at the data Orange County keeps putting out. Even the "cases" are over 95% unvaccinated people. There are many things that can't be done in a way that you would consider to be "more safely" and still actually be the same thing.
Your doom and gloom reality is that people who aren't vaccinated are catching COVID and some are ending up in the hospital and some are dying. People who are fully vaccinated are rarely catching COVID, very rarely ending up in the hospital and extremely rarely ending up dying (and doing so on a level that is irrelevant in the scheme of dying from any cause).
Stop thinking you are better than me because you continue to wear a mask and socially distance when the CDC has said that there is no reason to (since you are fully vaccinated).
Florida isn't "a mess." There are a lot of positive test results among unvaccinated people who are mostly in the younger, low risk demographic. Hospitals aren't overflowing or having difficulty handling the patient load, people aren't dropping dead in hallways. The doom and gloomers define everything based on "the numbers" but focus on the wrong ones.