For further reading:
KFF is collecting and analyzing data on COVID-19 vaccinations by race/ethnicity to gain increased insight who is receiving the vaccine and whether some groups are facing disparities in vaccination.
Overall, across these 40 states, the percent of White people who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose (47%) was roughly 1.4 times higher than the rate for Black people (34%) and 1.2 times higher than the rate for Hispanic people (39%) as of July 6, 2021. White people had a higher vaccination rate compared to Hispanic people in all reporting states, except Virginia, Vermont, Missouri, Louisiana, the District of Columbia, and Tennessee, and a higher rate than Black people in every reporting state, except Oregon, Alaska, and Idaho. However, the size of these differences varied widely across states. For example, White people were over twice as likely to have received a vaccine as Hispanic people in Colorado and South Dakota and had at least a two times higher vaccination rate than Black people in Florida, Iowa, and South Dakota. The overall vaccination rate across states for Asian people was higher compared to White people (62% vs. 47%), which is consistent with the pattern in most reporting states. However, Asian people had lower vaccinations rates than White people in six states (Colorado, Virginia, Utah, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota).
As of July 6, less than half of Black and Hispanic people have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in nearly all states reporting data. The vaccination rate for Black people is less than 50% in 39 of 42 reporting states, including 19 states where less than a third of Black people have received one or more doses. Similarly, less than half of Hispanic people have received a COVID-19 vaccine dose in 35 of 40 reporting states, including 13 states where less than a third have received at least one dose. At least half of White people have received a COVID-19 vaccine dose in 13 of 42 states. The rate remains below 50% in the remaining 29 states but falls below a third in only two states. At least half of Asian people have received one or more doses in most reporting states (30 of 39).
Perhaps we can move away from the narrative that the unvaccinated are all "choosing" to ruin it for the rest of us.