I'm scared this if we will go back indoor masks by fall/winter. Then we'll have big trouble for massive Delta variant wave in this fall/winter in NJ/NY as other states too. No way guys this is America we are going to fight Delta variant as many people will getting vaccinated before it's getting worse than others!
Being that NJ got the brunt of it at the start, there are a whole lot of people in NJ fully vaccinated, but still wearing masks in public indoors. The Delta variant is serious for sure. Masking up except when only around people you are sure have been fully vaccinated is a good practice to keep at this time.
There are much worse things.
I work in a large building where many fully vaxed people have volunteered their information so they have an approved colored vaxed badge in addition to their normal one. This means they can be anywhere on property indoors or out without a mask. Most with colored badges still wear masks when going to the restrooms, cafeteria and even in common hallways and certainly in meetings.
We do it because this is not over yet. We have been used to masks and we are certainly wearing them less than we have been, so it's really not such a big deal.
The more and the quicker people get vaccinated, the sooner the variants will go away.
I think there is going to be a pretty large number of people sick with Covid in the next month or two and it's not going to be pleasant.
I will feel bad for those who cannot be vaccinated.
Unfortunately, there are also many family members who want to be vaccinated, but are prevented by "leaders" of their families who mandate. This is also a form of abuse.
I hope those folks who want to be vaccinated have the courage to quietly get vaccinated on their own.
For those who now choose not to be when it's very easily available, and especially once the FDA approves any vaccine and they still choose to not do their very best to get theirs if able, I have not only no sympathy, but I welcome the culling of the stupid in the way of advancing us as a species.
Harsh, but a major reason this has gone on so long is BS from hypocritical public figures who have been vaccinated, who either do nothing or worse in promoting lies about vaccination for the purpose of feeding the bubble of BS for votes to stay in power. That's greed to the detriment of many and is wrong.
There are also many who are under the impression that anyone who had Covid now has natural immunity, so no need to vaccinate.
That may be the case for other viruses like was the case for chicken pox decades ago, but the potential damage from this and its variants (Kappa now found in India) seems severe enough to justify getting a vaccine even with the idea of natural immunity.