Well-Known Member
The issue is in a part of the country that is overwhelmed because of the outbreak that was already spread due to lack of social distancing when "everything was fine". That's what will happen where people don't take it seriously. You're correct, 600 some is not a huge number in a whole country. 600 some deaths in LA would be. That's the kind of thing you can expect if people don't take precautions. Likely we won't see those levels because the government here has already taken precautions that would have made things worse if they hadn't.You have to remember that Italy is a country of about 60 million people. Even before this outbreak 1,750 people died every day in Italy. Even if the 600 that died were people that were not going to die from something else anyways last night it is only a 30% increase in the deaths. The reality is some of those 600 that died were already head to the great hereafter with or without the virus because when you are a really old person your days are clearly numbered.
You big problem is you are claiming that 600 death in a city in Italy... it was actually 600 in the whole country... fairly significant difference between a city and country.
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