Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
Ahhh, you’re ever the optimist. But no, it doesn’t work like that. There was a window, where aggressive action was necessary. We may have already missed the window. If not, it’s quickly closing.

Immunity wanes over time. People who were infected by the Wuhan strain in March 2020 likely do not have much immunity to the Delta strain in July 2021. Vaccines provide stronger immunity but it also wanes over time ( Pfizer points to studies showing the need for a booster. FDA/CDC correctly say not necessary YET. But it likely will become beneficial). And as long as there is mass circulation of the disease - more variants pop up, with variants that become more and more resistant to the existing vaccines.
Have you read an article or have evidence we are there yet? Because I haven’t, other then a warning from a company hoping to sell more product. Believe me if/when that happens it will be all over the news but so far there has not been a large amount of reinfections/vaccinated people getting sick. So stop insisting the end times are here. What you are describing is a worst case scenario.

The immune system is funny in how it works, but it definitely will bump up production of antibodies/t cells if you get exposed again, and provided those stay above a certain level you won’t get sick. Covid was widely circulating less then 4 months ago, meaning lots of people got reexposed.

As always when it comes to the future no one knows nothing. For now the vaccines remain protective. We also don’t know if last weeks increase was holiday related. If things really start to change I’ll change my tune but for now the sky is not falling.


Premium Member
Have you read an article or have evidence we are there yet? Because I haven’t, other then a warning from a company hoping to sell more product. Believe me if/when that happens it will be all over the news but so far there has not been a large amount of reinfections/vaccinated people getting sick. So stop insisting the end times are here. What you are describing is a worst case scenario.

The immune system is funny in how it works, but it definitely will bump up production of antibodies/t cells if you get exposed again, and provided those stay above a certain level you won’t get sick. Covid was widely circulating less then 4 months ago, meaning lots of people got reexposed.

As always when it comes to the future no one knows nothing. For now the vaccines remain protective. We also don’t know if last weeks increase was holiday related. If things really start to change I’ll change my tune but for now the sky is not falling.
I remember early last year when the news was showing people walking down the street in China and just dropping dead. They literally showed people strolling along and then dropping to the ground and dying and they claimed it was from covid.

We know now that those stories were completely false and ridiculous. But The sky was falling for many people when they saw that. Now all it takes is words like delta or lambda and the sky is falling again.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had gone to Disney for the arts festival - good hotel deals, low crowds, and case number were pretty low.

I’ve rarely been out in the world except when work / life required it. Fortunately I have work coming up in a couple weeks out of town so that will help me “get out” a bit.
Some of this is a mental thing too. I hope you have a great trip when you go!


Well-Known Member
US case numbers jumped big from yesterday. From 20K to 48K. At what point does the CDC recomend going back to the public health measures?

Or are we at the point now where it's A-localized spread/not everywhere and B-it's 99% mostly unvaxxed people. This is all on them. Everyone else is moving on and going back to normal


Well-Known Member
US case numbers jumped big from yesterday. From 20K to 48K. At what point does the CDC recomend going back to the public health measures?

Or are we at the point now where it's A-localized spread/not everywhere and B-it's 99% mostly unvaxxed people. This is all on them. Everyone else is moving on and going back to normal
Case number case numbers.

What a useless number at this point.

Hospitalization rates and deaths are the number.

If the hospitals are overwhelmed we will need to mitigate again.

Otherwise just figure out how many unvaccinated Americans are left.

That is the amount of “case numbers” coming at some point in the future.

If someone is not vaccinated they will catch covid.

This is never going away it will be with us forever.

Unless we want to mitigate forever we need to accept that people who choose not to protect themselves are at a high level of risk. People who choose to protect themselves are at a greatly reduced risk level.

The risk will always be there.


Well-Known Member
Have you read an article or have evidence we are there yet? Because I haven’t, other then a warning from a company hoping to sell more product. Believe me if/when that happens it will be all over the news but so far there has not been a large amount of reinfections/vaccinated people getting sick. So stop insisting the end times are here. What you are describing is a worst case scenario.

The immune system is funny in how it works, but it definitely will bump up production of antibodies/t cells if you get exposed again, and provided those stay above a certain level you won’t get sick. Covid was widely circulating less then 4 months ago, meaning lots of people got reexposed.

As always when it comes to the future no one knows nothing. For now the vaccines remain protective. We also don’t know if last weeks increase was holiday related. If things really start to change I’ll change my tune but for now the sky is not falling.

Evidence that the effect of vaccines begin to wane after 6-12 months?

Yes, it was the subject of an Israeli study which forms the basis of the Pfizer conclusion. It’s also why the CDC/FDA has said we don’t need boosters YET. (Very few Americans have had their vaccination for under 6 months).

[Important to note, we are just at the start of understanding how long vaccine effectiveness will remain. It requires real world observation — so we won’t truly know whether the vaccine is still effective after 12 months… until it’s been 12 months for millions of people. But so far, evidence does suggest a waning effect against the newer variants]

Saying we may need boosters is not “the sky is falling”— it’s simple acknowledgment of the evolving science and changes in the disease. We’ve always known there was a likelihood that boosters will be necessary.

and yes, there have been huge numbers of reinfection from new variants - it was all over the news - in India and Brazil. Americans seem to only focus on things that are happening here.

“the variant reinfected many who had been infected in the first wave in India.”



Well-Known Member
Evidence that the effect of vaccines begin to wane after 6-12 months?

Yes, it was the subject of an Israeli study which forms the basis of the Pfizer conclusion. It’s also why the CDC/FDA has said we don’t need boosters YET. (Very few Americans have had their vaccination for under 6 months).

[Important to note, we are just at the start of understanding how long vaccine effectiveness will remain. It requires real world observation — so we won’t truly know whether the vaccine is still effective after 12 months… until it’s been 12 months for millions of people. But so far, evidence does suggest a waning effect against the newer variants]

Saying we may need boosters is not “the sky is falling”— it’s simple acknowledgment of the evolving science and changes in the disease. We’ve always known there was a likelihood that boosters will be necessary.

and yes, there have been huge numbers of reinfection from new variants - it was all over the news - in India and Brazil. Americans seem to only focus on things that are happening here.

“the variant reinfected many who had been infected in the first wave in India.”

If we need boosters let’s get it done.

I will admit that the government pushing back on the boosters is worrying me.

Everyone in politics is more worried about the next election cycle then our well being.

Now that the infrastructure has been set in place administering boosters should be quick and easy.


Well-Known Member
Evidence that the effect of vaccines begin to wane after 6-12 months?

Yes, it was the subject of an Israeli study which forms the basis of the Pfizer conclusion. It’s also why the CDC/FDA has said we don’t need boosters YET. (Very few Americans have had their vaccination for under 6 months).

[Important to note, we are just at the start of understanding how long vaccine effectiveness will remain. It requires real world observation — so we won’t truly know whether the vaccine is still effective after 12 months… until it’s been 12 months for millions of people. But so far, evidence does suggest a waning effect against the newer variants]

Saying we may need boosters is not “the sky is falling”— it’s simple acknowledgment of the evolving science and changes in the disease. We’ve always known there was a likelihood that boosters will be necessary.

and yes, there have been huge numbers of reinfection from new variants - it was all over the news - in India and Brazil. Americans seem to only focus on things that are happening here.

“the variant reinfected many who had been infected in the first wave in India.”

Why has reinfections not occurred in Britain, or Israel? It’s the same varient as India, shouldn’t it do the same? Perhaps there is a confounding factor, Brazil and India were under testing in the first wave, there’s a good chance a lot of those “reinfections” weren’t reinfections, or the result of a false positive. And you posted the study by Pfizer about boosters, you know the one that contradicts dozens of studies saying otherwise and financed by a company who could benefit from its findings. Again the future is uncertain, and there is not a consensus yet, we need more time, data and studies and it’s of benefit to no one to go back in a bunker yet.


Well-Known Member

That’s why the CDC recommended fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to mask even indoors.

It’s a conspiracy to kill us all!

Everyone mask up and hide in your basement it’s coming !!

Just get your vaccine and get on with life.

You are going to die from something someday don’t lose any more time worrying about your .04 percent chance of that being covid.
There are generally no basements in homes when one lives in FL😉


Well-Known Member

That’s why the CDC recommended fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to mask even indoors.

It’s a conspiracy to kill us all!

Everyone mask up and hide in your basement it’s coming !!

Just get your vaccine and get on with life.

You are going to die from something someday don’t lose any more time worrying about your .04 percent chance of that being covid.
If you are vaccinated the don't wear the thing that stops your freedom.

The issue is and continues to be the issue is the lack of enforcement to continue wearing masks if you're not vaccinated.

My hope is with Canada requiring incoming travelers do download the ArriveCanada app and upload their proof of vaccination that it will push more people to get vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
Let’s forget the back and forth for one second.

I’m going to join team mitigation to try to understand it.

According to a recent study Delta is 300% more contagious than the previous strains.

Ok so let’s mask back up.

Now since I truly care about peoples well being and not just signaling, shouldn’t I know how effective masks are when it comes to Delta.

What if this new strain is so contagious that even if 2 people are masked they can still easily enough transmit the virus.

If that’s the case then the next logical step would be social distancing coming back.

Maybe that’s not enough either - 300% is very contagious.

Ok so now what?

I’m on team mitigation but how far do we go?

How far are we willing to go to try to stop something that maybe just maybe can’t be stopped unless you get your vaccine?

Before I get blasted I realize that masking and social distancing will SLOW the spread.

But can it be stopped? If no what’s the point?

Unless hospitals are overwhelmed I don’t see one, but I’m happy to stay on team mitigation if someone can lay out an argument for why slowing not stopping the spread is still critical to humanity’s future.

Angel Ariel

Well-Known Member
Let’s forget the back and forth for one second.

I’m going to join team mitigation to try to understand it.

According to a recent study Delta is 300% more contagious than the previous strains.

Ok so let’s mask back up.

Now since I truly care about peoples well being and not just signaling, shouldn’t I know how effective masks are when it comes to Delta.

What if this new strain is so contagious that even if 2 people are masked they can still easily enough transmit the virus.

If that’s the case then the next logical step would be social distancing coming back.

Maybe that’s not enough either - 300% is very contagious.

Ok so now what?

I’m on team mitigation but how far do we go?

How far are we willing to go to try to stop something that maybe just maybe can’t be stopped unless you get your vaccine?

Before I get blasted I realize that masking and social distancing will SLOW the spread.

But can it be stopped? If no what’s the point?

Unless hospitals are overwhelmed I don’t see one, but I’m happy to stay on team mitigation if someone can lay out an argument for why slowing not stopping the spread is still critical to humanity’s future.
Slowing the spread until *all* ages have access to a vaccine.


Premium Member
Ahhh, you’re ever the optimist. But no, it doesn’t work like that. There was a window, where aggressive action was necessary. We may have already missed the window. If not, it’s quickly closing.

Immunity wanes over time. People who were infected by the Wuhan strain in March 2020 likely do not have much immunity to the Delta strain in July 2021. Vaccines provide stronger immunity but it also wanes over time ( Pfizer points to studies showing the need for a booster. FDA/CDC correctly say not necessary YET. But it likely will become beneficial). And as long as there is mass circulation of the disease - more variants pop up, with variants that become more and more resistant to the existing vaccines.

In that way, it does become something like the flu. Something that can be reduced by seasonal vaccines, controlled by treatment and modern medicine. Problem is that Covid is significantly worse than the flu. And it’s becoming more likely that we will be stuck with it for years to come. (Of course, even if the US had been successful, still exploding around the globe. So even full success in the US might only have been a temporary reprieve… but full success could have at least protected us from the delta variant).
Ahhh, you’re ever the pessimist. So far there is no concrete evidence that natural or vaccine based immunity fades that fast. It’s your theory (hope?) that it does but so far in all the actual studies done natural immunity has held for over a year. We are coming up on a full year for the vaccine trial participants and so far there hasn’t been any evidence released showing the vaccine effectiveness has faded. Your narrative now sounds a lot like the Covid denial crowd who said we will never reach herd immunity or have an effective vaccine so we just need to learn to live with the virus. Maybe they were right??? It saddens me to see how many people want to downplay or dismiss the power and effectiveness of these vaccines. It is what it is and it shouldn’t surprise me anymore.



Well-Known Member
Why has reinfections not occurred in Britain, or Israel?

They have!
“Delta variant is reinfecting people who have already had COVID-19”

It’s early, the data is being collected. We notice the reinfections in hindsight. 60 days from now, we will see that many of the Delta infections in the UK were indeed re-infections. Already starting to see such evidence as indicated in the article above.

It’s the same varient as India, shouldn’t it do the same? Perhaps there is a confounding factor, Brazil and India were under testing in the first wave, there’s a good chance a lot of those “reinfections” weren’t reinfections, or the result of a false positive. And you posted the study by Pfizer about boosters, you know the one that contradicts dozens of studies saying otherwise and financed by a company who could benefit from its findings. Again the future is uncertain, and there is not a consensus yet, we need more time, data and studies and it’s of benefit to no one to go back in a bunker yet.

When did I say anything about hitting the bunker?!?! I said we likely will need boosters in a few months and we need to aggressively vaccinate. And prepare for the fact that we are unlikely to reach herd immunity.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
They have!
“Delta variant is reinfecting people who have already had COVID-19”

It’s early, the data is being collected. We notice the reinfections in hindsight. 60 days from now, we will see that many of the Delta infections in the UK were indeed re-infections. Already starting to see such evidence as indicated in the article above.

When did I say anything about hitting the bunker?!?! I said we likely will need boosters in a few months and we need to aggressively vaccinate. And prepare for the fact that we are unlikely to reach herd immunity.
is millions of people which have already had COVID-19 in US will also getting reinfecting too?
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