Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
Who’s suggesting we lock anything down?

Masks and distancing is not “locked down”
Requiring vaccines for unmasked and at capacity theaters (nyc style) is not “locked down.”
Ok so this is how it works.

Let’s say Disney says masks and social distancing are back.

I’m canceling my trip and so are many others.

Therefore they need less employees.

You don’t need a lockdown to hurt the economy only mitigation’s.


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is how it works.

Let’s say Disney says masks and social distancing are back.

I’m canceling my trip and so are many others.

Therefore they need less employees.

You don’t need a lockdown to hurt the economy only mitigation’s.
First I will say the issue I have is how everyone just threw they hands up in regards to enforcing those that aren't vaccinated to continue to wear masks. Same goes for the vaccination rate. It continues to drop in the amount of people vaccinated per day. The sad thing for me is nobody seems to care.

I personally think more needs to be done to get those on the fence vaccinated. Instead all anybody says is I did my part.

Mr. Moderate

Well-Known Member
It’s not a leadership problem, it’s a citizen problem too many Americans would rather indulge in conspiracies even when evidence becomes overwhelming against it because believing the lie is easier then admitting they’re wrong.
Very good point, well said, and please let's add that there are way too many selfish citizens in this country, regardless of political identities, who only look out for themselves, but cry the loudest when they end up on the losing side of something. To me that is one of the many failures of this once beautiful nation of ours.


Well-Known Member
It’s not a leadership problem, it’s a citizen problem too many Americans would rather indulge in conspiracies even when evidence becomes overwhelming against it because believing the lie is easier then admitting they’re
Very good point, well said, and please let's add that there are way too many selfish citizens in this country, regardless of political identities, who only look out for themselves, but cry the loudest when they end up on the losing side of something. To me that is one of the many failures of this once beautiful nation of ours.
So we need a leader to bring those people back together to defeat a terrible problem facing our nation. Now if I could only think of something thats worth the effort. What’s this thread about again?


Active Member
Here’s the stark reality of the UK situation…

Currently, the doubling time is 9 days.

So by the 19th July we will have 90,000 cases a day - when all restrictions including masks go. The equivalent to the USA would be nearly 450,000 cases a day.

Hospitalisations? Important to consider…. But you just cannot simply ignore 90k cases a day.
This is the uks exit wave which was always predicted it’s better to have an exit wave in the summer because if you push it back to the autumn or winter the outcome will be even worse


Well-Known Member
This is the uks exit wave which was always predicted it’s better to have an exit wave in the summer because if you push it back to the autumn or winter the outcome will be even worse

yep exactly - our CMO Chris whitty is even of the opinion this is better (and he has been the most cautious public ally) and that we need to open up as much as possible now and not suppress to the winter. To be honest the lower level restrictions we have now aren’t holding delta amongst the younger groups so to suppress we would have to go back into lockdown and that just isn’t going to happen. We have issues that the euros are fuelling the spread amongst younger men for obvious reasons - but it’s not translating into overwhelmed hospitals so perhaps it’s better it happens.

I think that there is an acceptance over her now that we will meet the virus one way or another and therefore you either get vaccinated or you may get immunity the natural way

we are now 85% first dose vaccinated and 63% fully vaccinated and will get to 90% I believe (it’s slowing down now) First dose and 2/3 fully vaxxed prior to the 19th July when restrictions may go - I’m not sure what else we can do as take up of vaxx has been fantastic here - of course the elephant in the room is that we won’t vaxx children right now as not enough evidence on safety which of course means rhar schools are suffering badly again


Well-Known Member
yep exactly - our CMO Chris whitty is even of the opinion this is better (and he has been the most cautious public ally) and that we need to open up as much as possible now and not suppress to the winter. To be honest the lower level restrictions we have now aren’t holding delta amongst the younger groups so to suppress we would have to go back into lockdown and that just isn’t going to happen. We have issues that the euros are fuelling the spread amongst younger men for obvious reasons - but it’s not translating into overwhelmed hospitals so perhaps it’s better it happens.

I think that there is an acceptance over her now that we will meet the virus one way or another and therefore you either get vaccinated or you may get immunity the natural way

we are now 85% first dose vaccinated and 63% fully vaccinated and will get to 90% I believe (it’s slowing down now) First dose and 2/3 fully vaxxed prior to the 19th July when restrictions may go - I’m not sure what else we can do as take up of vaxx has been fantastic here - of course the elephant in the room is that we won’t vaxx children right now as not enough evidence on safety which of course means rhar schools are suffering badly again
So it seems that even with mitigation efforts delta is spreading rapidly. To slow it would require large scale mitigation’s that can’t happen.

This should be the final wave.

People have had plenty of time to make their choice.

If you feel your kid is at risk keep them safe until the wave is over.

The hospitals shouldn’t be overwhelmed since the overwhelming majority of break thru cases won’t need hospitalization.

Good luck to everyone in the final wave.

PLEASE get vaccinated you will greatly increase your chance of survival and benefit everyone around you.

Maybe you don’t thing corona will effect you but it might effect someone you love. Help keep them safe get your shot it’s fast easy free.


Well-Known Member
It’s not a leadership problem, it’s a citizen problem too many Americans would rather indulge in conspiracies even when evidence becomes overwhelming against it because believing the lie is easier then admitting they’re wrong.
Exactly this. The only thing leaders in a free country can do is plead for everyone to get the shot. I believe they are doing that. I see it and read it everyday. Only other way to do it is to force the people to get the vaccine. You think this thread has a lot of posts.. wait to see the thread about that if it ever happened.
It’s a citizen problem and always has been. When you have 50% of the country disagreeing on almost everything with the other 50%, nothing can be done about anything.
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Premium Member
First I will say the issue I have is how everyone just threw they hands up in regards to enforcing those that aren't vaccinated to continue to wear masks. Same goes for the vaccination rate. It continues to drop in the amount of people vaccinated per day. The sad thing for me is nobody seems to care.

I personally think more needs to be done to get those on the fence vaccinated. Instead all anybody says is I did my part.

Plenty of people care there just isn't much more that can be done about it. I constantly see commercials promoting he vaccine, I see it around town on billboards, officials on the news continue to push it, my state, NJ, is sending people door-to-door in low vaccination areas of the state to encourage people to vaccinate, state's have offered money, businesses have offered freebies. I don't know that there is much more that can be done.

Sadly, the one thing that might help increase vaccinations rates, is a spike in deaths among the un-vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
You keep saying that. In 2020 we had no solution.

It’s not 2020 anymore.

We have this medical miracle called a vaccine now.
The only way you'd hit 90% would have been if covid had turned out to be as deadly as predicted.
If hospitals truly were filled beyond capacity, if tent hospitals and hospital ships were needed and used, if people really were dying everywhere etc. we would have hit 90%.
Truth is, by and large, the reality of what happened in this country was not frightening enough to the general public to elicit that kind of response.


Well-Known Member
The only way you'd hit 90% would have been if covid had turned out to be as deadly as predicted.
If hospitals truly were filled beyond capacity, if tent hospitals and hospital ships were needed and used, if people really were dying everywhere etc. we would have hit 90%.
Truth is, by and large, the reality of what happened in this country was not frightening enough to the general public to elicit that kind of response.
The last sentence of your post just made my mouth open. Over 620,000 deaths and it’s not frightening enough. Should make everyone in this country wonder what would make it frightening. Even with let’s say double those deaths we still wouldn’t get to 90% IMO. Just scary.


Premium Member
Nice try at an insult. You almost had me, but my next stay is at boardwalk my home resort.

I have a lot of banked points since I didn’t travel
during the pandemic so I’m bringing the whole family in a grand villa

But that doesn’t really matter does it ?

Deluxe moderate value DVC - if enough rooms start to go empty people will lose jobs.

It will effect restaurants across the nation.

Remember social distancing means reduced seating. Less revenue loss of jobs.

Mitigation’s are bad for the economy.

Now if you want to make an argument that the increase in sickness in the labor force will also hurt the economy at least you would be making sense.

Just don’t resort to insults makes you look like a child.
I agree with you about the insults, but some people love to throw them around, especially on an anonymous discussion board. Just part of the territory here, unfortunately.

Unless so many people get COVID that the hospitals are in danger of getting overrun (highly unlikely), mitigations of the kind used pre-vaccination won't make a comeback. There's no support for them, and the CDC isn't recommending them for vaccinated people.

The issue we have now is how to persuade (or coerce) more people to get the vaccine. Placing the burden on businesses to check vaccine status won't work in the absence of some sort of uniform national system, which we don't have. Employers should do more, but there is a lot of misinformation out there about what they can or cannot do when it comes to checking vaccination status. Look at how many people erroneously believe HIPAA comes into play here. I personally believe the government could do more, but they're afraid anything they say will be vilified by a large percentage of the population based on political affiliation.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member

Believe it yet?

Some of us saw this coming 3 weeks ago, but that was “doom and gloom.”

No, there are no doom and gloom posters here. There are realists who can acknowledge things they wish weren’t happening; and there are Pollyanna types who pretend it isn’t happening and make fun of the realists (and send obnoxious PMs.)

Is it the end of the world? No, but it’s stupid and pointless, and very much preventable. It’s a shame for sure.

I was hoping to loosen mask restrictions at my store for an event in a couple of weeks. That seems very unlikely now.


Premium Member
Except the vulnerable don't have the means to quickly become not vulnerable. the unvaccinated (for the most part) could probably go out this afternoon and get their first vaccine.
Unfortunately, at this point it appears the only choice left to people is how to get to herd immunity. Pre-vaccine mitigations are not coming back. It's amazing to me, given all the death, destruction and economic harm this virus has caused, that people would turn their back on these miraculous vaccines.


Well-Known Member
The last sentence of your post just made my mouth open. Over 620,000 deaths and it’s not frightening enough. Should make everyone in this country wonder what would make it frightening. Even with let’s say double those deaths we still wouldn’t get to 90% IMO. Just scary.
Numbers don't mean anything in and of themselves.
People by and large go by what they see - whether that's right or wrong, and it's often wrong - not by mere statistics.
I've brought this up numerous times on this forum... Look at the heart disease and obesity rates in this country.
They're tremendous, yet by and large (pardon the pun) a large part of the population doesn't care.
They don't see people dropping dead of heart attacks right in front of them, so they essentially ignore it.
Similarly, covid is something that they didn't see overwhelm hospitals, or kill their neighbors, so it didn't spur as much of them to action as would be preferable.
I'm not saying it's the correct way to do things, it certainly isn't for me.


Premium Member
Numbers don't mean anything in and of themselves.
People by and large go by what they see - whether that's right or wrong, and it's often wrong - not by mere statistics.
I've brought this up numerous times on this forum... Look at the heart disease and obesity rates in this country.
They're tremendous, yet by and large (pardon the pun) a large part of the population doesn't care.
They don't see people dropping dead of heart attacks right in front of them, so they essentially ignore it.
Similarly, covid is something that they didn't see overwhelm hospitals, or kill their neighbors, so it didn't spur as much of them to action as would be preferable.
I'm not saying it's the correct way to do things, it certainly isn't for me.
I don't disagree. But people did see images of refrigerated trucks being used as temporary morgues; they were directly impacted by restaurants closing, stores offering curbside service only, businesses closing and laying off workers, etc. Nothing on this scale has ever happened in our lifetimes. You'd think it would have made more of an impact. It's difficult to know what message will reach people now - maybe get the vaccine and you won't have to worry about doing without toilet paper.


Premium Member
View attachment 568860
Believe it yet?

Some of us saw this coming 3 weeks ago, but that was “doom and gloom.”

No, there are no doom and gloom posters here. There are realists who can acknowledge things they wish weren’t happening; and there are Pollyanna types who pretend it isn’t happening and make fun of the realists (and send obnoxious PMs.)

Is it the end of the world? No, but it’s stupid and pointless, and very much preventable. It’s a shame for sure.

I was hoping to loosen mask restrictions at my store for an event in a couple of weeks. That seems very unlikely now.
The guy who was called doom and gloom predicted the US would have 450,000 cases a day in 2-4 weeks. He also said about 2 weeks ago that the US was 2 weeks behind the UK on their delta variant surge. Here‘s the graphs of both countries:




Premium Member
Numbers don't mean anything in and of themselves.
People by and large go by what they see - whether that's right or wrong, and it's often wrong - not by mere statistics.
I've brought this up numerous times on this forum... Look at the heart disease and obesity rates in this country.
They're tremendous, yet by and large (pardon the pun) a large part of the population doesn't care.
They don't see people dropping dead of heart attacks right in front of them, so they essentially ignore it.
Similarly, covid is something that they didn't see overwhelm hospitals, or kill their neighbors, so it didn't spur as much of them to action as would be preferable.
I'm not saying it's the correct way to do things, it certainly isn't for me.
I can guarantee with 100% certainty that almost every obese person would gladly take a vaccine that protected them from being obese. The difference is it takes time, money, and self discipline to get in better shape and even then some people still cannot succeed for various reasons, some in their control and many not. It’s much, much, much more difficult to lose weight and keep it off then it is to get a shot that takes 30 seconds and is free.
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