My point is that it's not really focused on the parks. People are talking in general now. Besides my one or two posts alluding to it, I haven't heard anybody mention the park in pages.
I mean what is the end goal here? What are we even debating anymore? Most people I've seen on the thread agree that people should get vaccinated. Almost everybody I've seen respond in the last couple of pages have stated that they are vaccinated. The parks are following CDC guidance. And we have no control over anybody else who decides not to... So where are we going with this discussion?
Most people that are going to get vaccinated have already started the process. I am not going to start walking down the street evangelizing about the damn covid vaccine. I'm not going to develop a mask bazooka and start shooting every face I see not masked. Although I'm sure that would be self satisfying and hilarious.

So at the end of the day, I don't understand why people don't just say okay I'm going to take personal responsibility and do my life my way. I'm going to go to the park, I'm not going to go to the park, I'm going to wear my mask even while I'm vaccinated, I'm never wearing my mask again.... We have no control over anybody besides ourselves. I'm not even going to fool myself into thinking I have real control over my 8-year-old. I only have the control over her that she decides to allow me to have... It's a mutual agreement thing and it doesn't always go in my favor.

I live in a state where less than 40% of the population is fully vaccinated, and just about 100% of it is walking around without a mask. It is what it is. I sent my daughter off to summer camp with her mask, and I'm pretty damn sure she's not wearing it as soon as she gets away from me. Luckily she spends most of her time hiking outdoors, playing on playgrounds, and generally in outdoor settings. Also for as unvaccinated as we are, we surprisingly have a very low transmission rate right now. So it's just part of life. Everybody's going to do their own thing. Just get back to posting about the new covid rules at Disney World, and the measures they're currently taking, and what we're supposed to do to prepare for a trip there.