Well-Known Member
Exactly, I can buy my own beer (if I drank) or my own donut or whatever other similar incentive they may offer.The incentive is, unless you have a legitimate medical reason (not a worry of potential side effects), you are much, much more likely to not be hospitalized in the first place, and if by any chance you are hospitalized, the chances of dying or long term effects are reduced to a very small possibility compared to not getting the vaccine. That's the selfish part.
The other is that it really does a nice job of reducing the spread to protect other people.
Any other incentive, including a beer, is just a sad commentary on our society and if those from the past could visit us now, oh what they would say!
"Lemme get this straight; you have a vaccine (that's also free and freely available and done quickly with a really ridiculously tiny needle) that can save your life, prevent illness, and protect others, and you're holding out for a "reward"?"
But I can't buy myself reduced risk, and the vaccines are free.