I enjoy reading your opinion as I do others on this topic and part of me agrees with you, but I want to point out something that I bolded. I firmly believe in people taking responsibility for their actions or in this case, their inactions, but your statement of let them suffer won't just fall on their shoulders. By their own reluctance, I call it stupidity in some cases, due to misleading information from certain sources in this country, will effect us all greatly. If rates do go up in the fall due to this variant and they just might, those unvaccinated people will cause a cascade event that could easily put us back in lockdown.
I dread this happening and honestly I fear it as this point, but sadly there's nothing we can do to get these misguided and in some cases, selfish people to get vaccinated. It's frustrating to say the least and I think too many are thinking that the virus is over and doing a end zone celebration. The Delta variant scares me and this virus seems to have more legs than a spider at this point.