Well-Known Member
Why? People lived with other disease outbreaks that disrupted business and the world and the economy continued to turn. Polio would shut down schools and businesses. Instead of saying “Oh well, can’t do anything about it” huge efforts were made to curtail a variety of diseases such that they are no longer an issue. Faced with a new challenge we have given up without ever trying. Even without all of the same restrictions we have found things that work: masks, ventilation, working from home, more lenient sick time, incredibly effective new vaccines but instead we have to get back to the way things were because of reasons.The problem is that the conditions we've operated under during Covid are not sustainable in the long-term, such as doing them every flu season. You could not simply switch back to businesses having capacity limits, schools being shut down, six foot social distancing being required, entertainment venues closed, people asked to say away from their family members, etc. every time flu season rolls around. And while you could have people mask up each flu season, we don't know what, if any, effect that alone would have because the virtual elimination of the flu has been with masking in combination with all those other far more harsh mitigation measures.