Premium Member
I have a different perspective. In my opinion, masks should be mandated for one purpose and one purpose only - to stop the spread of COVID. At one point, masks were pretty much all we had to keep us safe if we had to be around other people. But as more people are vaccinated and numbers drop, masks are naturally doing less and less. At some point, they will do so little that the mandates need to end. We will no longer need to wear masks to protect others - they will need to protect themselves by getting vaccinated.I HATE the phrase "virtue signaling" because it's very buzz-word/cliche. And it's come to signify an eye-roll reaction.
But why?
Why is it frowned upon to set the example? Why can't people "be the change they want to see in the world"?
When someone uses the term "virtue signaling" I can't help but think of the old-school Highlights cartoon "Goofus and Gallant", where Goofus would disparage Gallant for doing something correctly, like helping someone cross the street, or saying "thank you."
Those who use the term "virtue signaling" are Goofuses in my eyes. And I will continue to be a Gallant, just like @Tony the Tigger .
I think we are getting to point where, if people still feel unsafe, the mask-wearing will shift to them. I have absolutely no issue with people continuing to wear masks for whatever reason they like. Some will do it to protect themselves, others to feel good about themselves or to give comfort to people who may be anxious even though they are vaccinated. That will be their choice. But if the masks are quickly becoming no longer necessary, as the CDC and Dr. Fauci have stated, I see no good in continuing to require people to wear them.
I read some disturbing articles on vaccine hesitancy this morning. If we stall out and people are choosing not to get vaccinated before we reach herd immunity, it won't be long until those who are vaccinated will demand a way to be exempted from the restrictions. Vaccinated people are not getting sick or making other people sick; at some point, we are going to have to stop treating them the same as unvaccinated people because we can't tell the difference.