Ok great found one. You are the person I need honest answers from because you scare me as much as the anti vax crew.
See I’m on team vaccine.
Can you please spell out your exact metrics to return to normal. Whatever number or numbers you would want to see to return to normal.
Also what is the plan if a large enough group of people refuse to vaccinate to achieve those metrics?
To the bolded: I don't see how I can answer that. It's more like, "We'll know it when we see it, but it looks like we're heading in the right direction."
I shouldn't scare you at all. I approach this with a healthy amount of caution and logic, and no silly emotional subjectivity like, "But I'm tired of wearing a mask." "But haven't we done this long enough?" or reckless disregard like, "Hey, so some people will die. It's only old or defective people."
The public at large have proven they can't be trusted with this. There is no denying the repeated spikes caused by ignoring simple recommendations like toning down holidays. People behaved like kids who couldn't understand; they should have been able to understand.
There is absolutely no reason why 570,000 Americans had to die. Had this been handled better by both the government and the populace, that number should have been less than half that amount. What a shame.
The most "scary" part to me was some people didn't care. "So, let people with xyz die, they were going to die anyway. I want to go to McDonald's and the club."
That is scary, not my being flexible about how long we have to wear masks based on results.
Going through this pandemic was a lot on many levels, especially from around March to July 2020 (for me.) With that said, I worked my behind off, I saved my business, I laid off no one. My spouse and I are both high risk and both worked. When my business was closed and he was laid off, we did gig deliveries, putting ourselves in supermarkets all day long for months (for not much money, but it kept everything afloat.) We went to the movies here and there. We went out to eat here and there. We went to WDW once.
We did not live in fear. We lived carefully, thoughtfully, and fully.
I did what I had to do to protect my family, my employees, and my customers, and to be able to live with myself knowing I did everything I could to protect them. That's the opposite of hiding in a corner at home. I did practically everything I would have done pre-COVID; I just did it carefully. I lost absolutely nothing by doing that.
A mask being a burden is a matter of perspective and nothing else. I chose the perspective that it was no big deal, and it was worth the effort; and it was and still is.
How foolish would it be to get a breakthrough infection and die now, after all this?
So when we start seeing very few new cases most days in my county, that's when I, personally, will stop wearing a mask indoors around people outside my circle. I have never worn a mask outdoors except at WDW or possibly walking from a store to my car.
Beyond that, the decision will be made for us at some point. A tipping point will be reached, and that will be that. It may vary from place to place, and probably should.
I don't live with these nagging, whiny questions in my head: "When can we do this? Why can't we do that? Are we there yet?" I just live. When it's over, it's over. We'll know it. Or we can blow it by pretending it's over before it is because people can't act like adults and do what's best for public health.