I don’t make the rules, but I see no reason why that won’t be the case
If we get to 70% of adults with at least 1 shot by July 4th (the new National target) we should be in great shape. To keep it in perspective we are at 57.7% of adults with 1 shot right now. We have 57 days until July 4th. We need about 26M more adults to go. That’s a pace of around 450,000 new doses a day. This week we still averaged over 700K new first doses a day. It’s a slower pace, but that was the plan all along. We are in the phase where we are pulling people in.
Recent polling shows we have another 9% of adults who still say they will get the vaccine soon. 15% are still in the wait and see category. Not sure what they are waiting for at this point, but if we get even 1 in 3 to come off the fence that gets us over 70%. That’s why I’m particularly optimistic we reach that target. In addition we will soon have teens 12-15 eligible so more potential spreaders getting vaccinated. Every little bit helps.
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