I get that it is hot and most likely unpleasant! However that doesn’t change Disney’s rules that they have
chosen to adopt. Announcements are not working as someone who is there says that people aren’t following the rules. If I was there I would be “asking” people, politely the first time to mask up and socially distance according to what Disney says. I would also be expecting CMs to back me up. Not liking a rule, or believing it is not necessary, it is not an excuse to ignore it! If I could get there

from the U.K. I would only go to Disney if the mitigations I expected to be in place were enforced. Sorry to be a pain but without knowing how many people have been vaccinated that is the only way I would consider visiting.
Does anybody know, just out of interest, that if when you booked they promised masks and distance but when it became closer to your visit date things had been removed are Disney prepared to cancel your booking without financial penalty?