But this quote from him highlights Fauci’s major weaknesses - his constantly changing the goalposts.
As I just demonstrated with my prior post, it is possible to use data to determine the appropriate point to lift all restrictions. Some might disagree with my calculation and take a different approach.
Fauci doesn’t do that. One week it’s “maybe this”. The next week it’s “maybe that”. Just a quick search of the Internet shows that it’s easy to find Fauci contradicting himself.
I’d dump my doctor if he told me something different each time I visited him.
Fauci is highly educated and highly knowledgeable. He needs to treat the patient (i.e. the United States) as much as the disease (i.e. COVID).
Fauci has been very consistent. His words have often been distorted by those with an agenda.
Yes, he often says "maybe" -- Because that's how science works. You gain knowledge over time.
As you learn more, you refine past statements, you become more certain.
I know many people are frustrated by uncertainty. But that's science. That's not a matter of contradiction, it's not a matter of being wrong. It's a matter of using the best information you have at any given time, and that information and knowledge improves over time.
And no, it's not possible to simple "use data to determine the appropriate point to lift all restrictions" -- because there is so much uncertainty remaining. There are way too many variables. What are the breakthrough rates of new variants, what are the ongoing mortality rates, what is the availability of and level of testing, what is the state of therapeutics, what are the vaccination rates. how are the cases distributed both geographically and demographically. I understand you'd love the certainty of a magic number that becomes the point where everybody can burn their mask, but that's not how it works at all.