Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I’m totally fine with extra hand washing and cleaning. I hope that never leaves. I think they are specifically talking about is heavy duty cleaning products. Soap and water is more than enough to kill this particular virus.

Also, despite what the headline says, nothing in the article quotes the CDC as saying to stop with the "hygiene theater." Whoever wrote that headline for Yahoo was irresponsible at best and intentionally dishonest at worst.
There's some truth to the wrong focus on cleaning vs ventilation. We have schools just opening up partial this week. They will still be closed on Wednesday for cleaning and bathrooms are cleaned 4 times a day while they are there. Plus roving cleaning of halls during the day. Very little mention of ventilation in the return plan.


Premium Member
That graph adjusts for population (cases per 100k) this again shows your flaw of focusing on daily numbers, you need to look at trends. Michigan up until a month ago had done very well with Covid cases compared to the national norm, unfortunately, the bells now toll for Michigan. That graph shows why what’s happening in Michigan now isn’t happening everywhere, it’s because it already happened. And why for now I still remain optimistic. So long as we keep chugging with vaccinations this should pass soon.
Everyone needs to recalibrate and *stop caring about cases.* It doesn't matter if it's cumulative or current trends, cases by themselves are statistically irrelevant at this point, because we took an age-and-risk-targeted approach to vaccinations. It's much more important WHO is getting sick. Statistically, you'd rather see 100 cases in a high school than 2 cases in a nursing home, and all of the people in the nursing homes are vaxxed.

Focus on hospitalizations. If you insist on looking at cases, you need to use some kind of age-adjusted metric.


Premium Member
There's some truth to the wrong focus on cleaning vs ventilation. We have schools just opening up partial this week. They will still be closed on Wednesday for cleaning and bathrooms are cleaned 4 times a day while they are there. Plus roving cleaning of halls during the day. Very little mention of ventilation in the return plan.
In my kid’s schools they keep the windows open and did all winter even in the cold. That’s about as much as they can do with ventilation. The buildings were all built in the 1950s with the exception of the high school so it works. Ironically the high school which is brand new has the most problems since it doesn’t have as many windows that can open. The cleaning is easy and relatively cheap to do. It may not do much, but it can’t hurt.


Well-Known Member
News on mask mandate in Orange County -

So I’m not an expert and I don’t know if 50% of the county being vaccinated is the right number or not. Whenever I do like that he’s giving people a Target to move towards. So many places it just seems like there’s going to be never ending mandates and there’s no point at which we can stop. I love that he’s being people need more of this instead oSo many places it just seems like there’s going to be never ending mandates and there’s no point at which we can begin moving back to normal. I love that he’s being people need more of this. Parents in our school district has been asking at what point can we stop mandating that students wear masks… There is no answer. I think if there had been an answer that would ease a lot of anger and frustration.


Well-Known Member
Somehow I read that as Michigan watched NY cross the street and forget to look left. NY was hit by a truck. Then, having witnessed this event, Michigan went to cross the street, using all the new knowledge. Instead, they forgot to look left and got hit by the same truck. Now they both feel cumulatively bad.

It’s not a great look for learning from others misfortune instead of your own. :(
I have been loathe to bring it up because of the political angle, but in Michigan, their cases started rising after the state Supreme Court told the Governor to pound sand. A specific detail that especially bothered EpiTwitter was that the non-payment shutoffs of water were allowed to resume. Access to clean water in a pandemic is vital.


Premium Member
News on mask mandate in Orange County -

Not to be a downer, but WDW did open Disney Springs with a mask rule about a month before the Orange County mask mandate was put in place so there is no guarantee that when it’s lifted Disney will relax their mask rule. It does at least open the door for Disney to entertain the possibility though. They need a mask rule as long as the county requires it. I do think if this becomes the norm most places and mask rules start to be removed after vaccinations hit a critical tipping point it will push Disney in that direction. Probably even more important will be how cases and vaccinations go in CA. If the situation in CA continues to be good and even gets better that‘s more of a reason for Disney to relax the mask rules on both coasts.

I’m not sure if 50% is a good number or not but at some point all state and local governments will have to take a hard look at the rules and come up with a metric to relax them. The CDC will also need to adjust. At some point the guidelines for the CDC need to change and say “if you are vaccinated we no longer recommend that you wear a mask in public”. Then state and local governments have to decide how many need to be vaccinated or how low community spread gets to pull the trigger.
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I heard again today that fireworks might return to Epcot.
Makes sense. They extended EPCOT hours until 11PM into the end of April now, beyond the range of normal Spring Break time.
Epcot Forever, I heard.
There was a rumor here a while back that they had leftover fireworks from that show so it makes some sense they would use them up. I would love it if they went straight to the new show, but I’d take anything at this point.


Well-Known Member
In my kid’s schools they keep the windows open and did all winter even in the cold. That’s about as much as they can do with ventilation. The buildings were all built in the 1950s with the exception of the high school so it works. Ironically the high school which is brand new has the most problems since it doesn’t have as many windows that can open. The cleaning is easy and relatively cheap to do. It may not do much, but it can’t hurt.
The windows thing is easy if you can do it. Just waste the heat/cooling. It’s quick, easy, and while it hits operating expenses, it’s a one year thing. Add a fan in doors to be really great. In theory, the new building should have HVAC capabilities to add more fresh air. There’s probably some gap years after they eliminated windows and before HVAC got better, those are tougher to fix, need to retrofit the better HVAC.

The focus on cleaning in excess can hurt. It wastes time, money, and solution focus. That HVAC fresh air upgrade might not happen when all the focus and money is on cleaning the entire building instead of teaching on a Wednesday, or on extra staff to wipe down railings between classes. They are doing both of those in our school.

Imagine if the express monorail went from MK to TTC and instead of loading was out of service so staff could clean every car as they rode back to MK. Same for a second train doing the reverse run. Half the capacity, huge staff increase, for very little value. What would we saying here about a monorail plan like that.


Active Member
Hey guys i know this aint the best place to ask but maybe one of you can help me.

Should a utility bill (under X name) together with a letter from the same person saying i do reside in his home, enough for me to be able to proof residence in florida? and get a vaccine? thanks.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to recalibrate and *stop caring about cases.* It doesn't matter if it's cumulative or current trends, cases by themselves are statistically irrelevant at this point, because we took an age-and-risk-targeted approach to vaccinations. It's much more important WHO is getting sick. Statistically, you'd rather see 100 cases in a high school than 2 cases in a nursing home, and all of the people in the nursing homes are vaxxed.

Focus on hospitalizations. If you insist on looking at cases, you need to use some kind of age-adjusted metric.
This. This x 1000. "Case numbers" are what are being used to paint everything as doom and gloom. Look at hospitalizations. That is the important number.
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