When it comes to science, I don’t want to sound crass but for months it seems you really have no idea how it works.
When they make educated guesses, then are a bit off on some point they get hammered over and over by people like you here which you have been doing. If they take the opposite approach and say, as you just mentioned,” we don’t have enough data to answer that yet”, they are ripped for not giving any info out and not giving guidance in some form. They are in a no win situation when dealing with people like yourself.
Personally, and I would imagine most of the world would agree with is give out info as it comes along. If it needs to be changed the next hour, or the next day or the next week, I’m gone with that. It’s science. Can’t believe I’m explaining this.
Everything we do everyday, has come from some sort of science established as more data was studied. Just me typing this here evolved over time from science. Don’t pick and choose.
You didn’t disappoint with your daily shot at Fauci, now complete it with the magic mask comment and you got it all in for today.
Here it is again for your leisure time reading. The man has done more then most in his career in his field. But he’s a dope because something he said wasn’t spot on to you. Got it.
Background information and profile of NIAID Director, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.