Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
IMO it doesn't matter what it is. Its obviously bad enough for them to hospitalized. There have been reports of people having bad after effects from it.
Agreed. There are many studies coming out that show lingering effects and damage to the lungs and brain of people who've had covid. Even if they were asymptomatic. We have no idea what the long-term impact to people's lives may be.
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Well-Known Member
551,000 and rising there, “ma freedom”...

we need serious people...not fools.

another great tidbit: in the states where cases and hospitalizations are rising...the highest percentage are people UNDER 30....

why is that? The variants. You and the sons of Liberty don’t want to hear that...I bet.
Can you tell me where you are finding that under 30 data? not disputing it, just can't seem to get that granular. All I've found is national and only updated through 3/20


Well-Known Member
Ugh you are way off the flu is practically non-existent this year. There have been about 1500 CASES between sept 2020 and March of 2021. So no. Flu deaths are NOT exceeding covid at all, no where even close.
If you are going to reply to a post then do it in a timely manner. At the time I posted the figures they were valid. Thats one problem when people address a post and dont look at the dates.
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Well-Known Member
Can you cite where you are getting that bolded part? I am not certain but I am pretty sure that is factually wrong. I believe the basic understanding is that NORMALLY they occur within 3 months.

However, we have never developed a vaccine so fast so their is nothing normal about the situation we're in. We are in uncharted territory, basically, with the covid vaccine, like it or not. I don't blame people for being cautious with it.
He is a doctor who has explained this many times. There was nothing rushed about the vaccine’s development, especially in a manner regarding safety. The widespread nature of the disease is what allowed for accelerated studies.


Well-Known Member
Can you cite where you are getting that bolded part? I am not certain but I am pretty sure that is factually wrong. I believe the basic understanding is that NORMALLY they occur within 3 months.

However, we have never developed a vaccine so fast so their is nothing normal about the situation we're in. We are in uncharted territory, basically, with the covid vaccine, like it or not. I don't blame people for being cautious with it.
This is well known in the medical community. We are well beyond the 3 or even 6 months post trial anyway. If you don't trust a medical professional I'm not sure who I would. I'm not the professional but just 6 months post vaccine now.

The vaccine results came so fast because the pandemic is that bad. These vaccines were in development for decades now.

I do think spouting this line of thinking is dangerous. It's not factually based. It's meant to spread fear. We don't need that. Though most baffling to me are the ones who are most fearful. They have zero reason or history as a whole to fear.


Well-Known Member
A COVID19 Vaccination Passport program sounds impressive but worthless. All that a person needs is a vaccination card, Hey!, something that already exists.

Ah I forgot to say a person can laminate the card to better preserve it.

True. I still have my old school shot / vaccination record and I actually ended up w two more shot / vaccination records from my time in the Army. I think I have been vaccinated against everything known to science, that is until now. I am happy with the card. All that documentation and $1.50 might get me a cup of coffee. Data bases with unimaginable amounts of information on people are all over the place, not just in governments, things are at a point where the right hand can not communicate w the left. The simple little card will do just fine for the intended purposes everybody keeps talking about.
They type of proof is highly dependent on the value and risk that having that proof provides and the amount of trust between the person presenting it and the entity accepting it.

To show your doctor your vaccinations so that you're getting the best healthcare you can, there's a high trust because you want good care, the document doesn't need to provide that trust for you.

To have a friend over for dinner that tells you they're vaccinated, you don't even need the card. You'll simply trust them without showing any proof at all.

To give a random person the value of eliminating all mitigation items to create a bubble like environment, there's a trust factor needed. Whatever is used for the verification process is providing that trust. The vaccination card people have today isn't suitable for providing that trust. Doesn't have to be a smart app, but whatever it is, it's not just the thing in your hand. It's the entire system that thing represents that's providing the trust factor to allow an entity to believe that a random person they have not knowledge of should be allowed into the bubble.

Something that's just a key and looks up in a back end database, assuming the data is valid, has a high trust factor. Without the database, something that's difficult to fake can provide the trust factor.

Just look at a WDW park ticket. It's not just some ticket that grants you access. There's an entire system behind it designed to validate that it's a real ticket, issued to a specific person, and not used by anyone else. And, that's just to get into the magic bubble.


Premium Member
Can you cite where you are getting that bolded part? I am not certain but I am pretty sure that is factually wrong. I believe the basic understanding is that NORMALLY they occur within 3 months.

However, we have never developed a vaccine so fast so their is nothing normal about the situation we're in. We are in uncharted territory, basically, with the covid vaccine, like it or not. I don't blame people for being cautious with it.

Here is a good source...

and backing up a bit in the same episode, good talk on how it was developed so fast and safety...

and even though this is the first approved MRNA vaccine, these have been in development for over 20 years and there have been human trials with mrna vaccines for other diseases in the past.


Premium Member
He is a doctor who has explained this many times. There was nothing rushed about the vaccine’s development, especially in a manner regarding safety. The widespread nature of the disease is what allowed for accelerated studies.

... and the fact that the companies developing the vaccines were willing to take huge financial risks (partially because they received government money) by doing parts of the development process in parallel.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
And I cite examples of family friends who have died in vehicle accidents who were tagged as "covid deaths" and get laughed at and called a liar.

Some people don't want to have civil conversations.

Do you have any sources for anything you mention? I looked around and can't find anything except an article that says hosptialization rates for people in their 30's and 40's matches where it was in the fall. The highest percentage of new hospitalizations nation wide is people under 30? It's the cause of the variants?

To be honest, you sound like the very conspiracy theorists you are making fun of.



Well-Known Member
This is a conspiracy theory.
The total number is materially accurate. Obviously there's some dirty data but not enough to alter the general fact pattern.

That said, politicians and the media have definitely been guilty of deliberately manipulating *specific, individual cases* into convenient anecdotes that were not entirely accurate. They're not doing it to seize power or instill communism or anything nefarious but they're still doing it. This was especially true early in the crisis when they were trying to emphasize that the virus can infect or kill young people without comorbidities.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
And I cite examples of family friends who have died in vehicle accidents who were tagged as "covid deaths" and get laughed at and called a liar.

Some people don't want to have civil conversations.

Do you have any sources for anything you mention? I looked around and can't find anything except an article that says hosptialization rates for people in their 30's and 40's matches where it was in the fall. The highest percentage of new hospitalizations nation wide is people under 30? It's the cause of the variants?

To be honest, you sound like the very conspiracy theorists you are making fun of.

How many of the 574,000 deaths were actually motorcyle accidents? And were every other country also fudging their death certificates?


Disney Experience

Well-Known Member
It sucks there's no way to prove you got the vaccine. We have cards, but they can be easily faked. We have a registry of vaccines for children, so why can't we have the same thing for adults? The cruise lines are requiring COVID tests. I'd rather show that I got the vaccine than to have to get a COVID test 3 days before and risk one of us getting a false positive from one of the bozos in a lab.
There are over 3010 pages in this forum, buried in there are links to various vaccine proof systems being worked on. Clear which already has a bio identity system that verifies that the person is who they say they are and other data, has a health pass system they are in trial with. Forum members have linked some info about these systems, but to make it easier to find some here is a more recent CNBC article:

The above technology identifying the vaccinated will not be important if we get enough people vaccinated. (Picture New Zealand who only have about 2% vaccinated, and almost no covid cases; implementing it there is not worth it. If the rest of the world can get the numbers down, the need for such systems will be minimal. But the numbers worldwide are not low. )
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