Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
Chaos in Manila, as Phillippine government implements surprise lockdowns:

I was living in Metro Manila fairly recently ........I fully know what's at stake; life is very unpleasant and harsh now with a lockdown, trigger happy PNP(national police) and an authoritative power hungry president. I'm still communicating with a few "inmates" under house confinement and getting disturbing updates.


Well-Known Member
Sorry. Didn't realize the paywall. Basically, that the younger gen is not adhering to any safety precautions and that even though they themselves aren't the most at risk group - they become carriers - and endanger everyone. Like everything else, It's not the entire generation. But enough of them to cause a concern.

Well, I’m an Oregon Trail GenX’r who is still going to work every day, with the bulk of my company also being GenX’rs and Millenials.

Josh Hendy

Well-Known Member
A lot of other major CEO's of different corporations stepped down recently... Makes you think.
The innocent explanation could be that they had a chat with Bill Gates. He might have told them, "Look I'm not telling you anything that's not public knowledge. My foundation ran a simulation of a pandemic and its consequences. It was based on the what-if scenario of a new superbug. Well, the news in China is saying, that superbug is here."

CEOs are full of themselves. They think they're a class apart. They look out for each other and they put a lot of faith in what other CEOs tell them. Not buffoonish unicorn CEOs like Elon, but the ones who are long established and run profitable firms.


Well-Known Member
I am praying so hard for all of the K-12 students in our country. If their school year and extracurriculars are canceled for the remainder, I don’t even understand how all will recover from it.
Millions of kids will be so behind from where they should be, in everything. Even with the home school time.


Well-Known Member
Well, I’m an Oregon Trail GenX’r who is still going to work every day, with the bulk of my company also being GenX’rs and Millenials.
The push-back I've been seeing is mostly younger Millennials and Gen-Zers. Interestingly, I think a lot of Gen-Xers are among those guilty of hoarding and panic shopping. (I'm a Gen-Xer, and in the two weeks prior to the supermarkets being empty, we stocked up on about a weeks' worth of dry/canned/frozen goods, but I wouldn't consider a small bin of food panic-shopping.)


Well-Known Member
Is anyone in a state where all youth sports are not cancelled?
Even if not games, anyone still an area where practices are being held?

An ice rink nearby has cancelled games, but is allowing teams to use their ice time still if they want. At least as of yesterday that was the case.


Well-Known Member
I am praying so hard for all of the K-12 students in our country. If their school year and extracurriculars are canceled for the remainder, I don’t even understand how all will recover from it.
Millions of kids will be so behind from where they should be, in everything. Even with the home school time.
It's going to be hard for my boys...from a special needs stand-point. I'm not worried so much about the academics at this point, as if need be I can put together a curriculum for them to work on, but adapting to going back to school when they do finally go back is going to be really hard for them.


Well-Known Member
Oh - I forgot to mention this from the live-feed with the doctor. He specifically said that hoarseness was NOT part of COVID-19. I found that really interesting as a dry cough seems pretty common.


Well-Known Member
First off, it doesn’t matter what ages they were. Dead is dead. I’m sure you would agree if it was one of your loved ones. And secondly, the lack of ventilators contributing to the problem is exactly the situation that we have here in the US, at least as of right now. Look, I have consistently agreed that there is a great deal of overreacting going on in some respects, but to act as if the Coronavirus is really no big deal or is simply akin to the common cold is just plain laughable. And ignorant.
It does matter when you are throwing around mortality rates for a disease. The US already has the number here skewed because the first big outbreak was in a nursing home.

Yes dead is dead, but it does matter if all those that died were over 80... would you think there is a difference in a disease that only killed kids and another one that only killed octogenarians? Of course you would. As for a ventilator shortage, it hasn't been shown to exist in the US. We have some people claiming there is one, but then we also had the Surgeon General saying masks don't help and in the next sentence saying doctors need those masks to protect themselves.. So frankly it makes little sense to listen to anything the supposed experts have to say. Just give people all the data and let use decide what is real and what isn't because the media in many instances has been acting a way to make people much more fearful than they should be.


Well-Known Member
Feel really bad for all the people who had upcoming Disney trips. My family and I are darn lucky we got our trip in during the first week of March before the world changed. Hopefully everyone is able to reschedule without much trouble.


Well-Known Member
(and I don't consider Phillipines third world, maybe somwhere between 1st and 2nd world, not really sure)

Interesting........from what I saw %70+ live in extremely modest/subsistence conditions. And the population pyramid is just that a pyramid shape with extreme out if control population growth outstripping resources creating an astronomical labor pool with few jobs. All with one of the most lopsided distribution of wealths on Earth......
poverty every which direction.....even in the wealthy part of Metro Manila of Makati.
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