Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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The other current problem is that due to the 35% capacity, most of the parks still have a default closing time of around dinner. Now, yes, those times have sometimes been extended at the last minute, particularly on the weekends. But I can't see Disney adding back night time entertainment until they are ready to keep the parks open consistently past dark, which may not be until they have the park capacity high enough to justify more workers/work hours.

Wonder if when night time shows restart they won't initially be every night.


Premium Member
Wouldn't that just intensify the crowds?
It would for sure, especially locals, but it would also cut costs. They could allocate staff to the park with nighttime entertainment and assume that’s where the crowds will be that day. With park hopping though it’s possible people just hop to the park with the entertainment in the evening. If the total crowd at all 4 parks isn’t that high yet it works. In normal times multiple parks have nighttime entertainment to spread crowds out and this would do the opposite. I guess another option is only run all the night shows on weekends when the crowds are higher anyway and stagger the days run during the week.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't that just intensify the crowds?
Yes they tried this with Fantasmic. They should go everyday once they open, but as a throttle if they only do one show another park should be open an hour longer with no show (Epcot close at 8, MK at 9 or 9/10 on busier days) to split the night owls into two groups (firework fans/ride warriors.)


Well-Known Member
It would for sure, especially locals, but it would also cut costs. They could allocate staff to the park with nighttime entertainment and assume that’s where the crowds will be that day. With park hopping though it’s possible people just hop to the park with the entertainment in the evening. If the total crowd at all 4 parks isn’t that high yet it works. In normal times multiple parks have nighttime entertainment to spread crowds out and this would do the opposite. I guess another option is only run all the night shows on weekends when the crowds are higher anyway and stagger the days run during the week.
I really think staggering the nighttime shows would create a nightmare for crowd control, especially with crowd hopping being allowed. Since they don't appear to be capping hopping, you could have thousands of "extra" people in a park, in addition to those who had a reservation for the day. That's a lot of people to try to accommodate.

Although, were you to have the nighttime shows in all parks concurrently on the same nights (say, no shows on T/Th), it might be doable as guests would be more likely to stay where they are vs. hopping just for the show..... But is some of the crew the same for each of the shows or does each have it's own dedicated staff?


Premium Member
I really think staggering the nighttime shows would create a nightmare for crowd control, especially with crowd hopping being allowed. Since they don't appear to be capping hopping, you could have thousands of "extra" people in a park, in addition to those who had a reservation for the day. That's a lot of people to try to accommodate.

Although, were you to have the nighttime shows in all parks concurrently on the same nights (say, no shows on T/Th), it might be doable as guests would be more likely to stay where they are vs. hopping just for the show..... But is some of the crew the same for each of the shows or does each have it's own dedicated staff?
Agreed if the crowds get bigger. I don’t think night entertainment comes back until and unless we see a significant surge of Summer crowds. At that point it very well may be necessary to have night entertainment at 3 of the 4 parks to keep them all open late and spread the crowds. If they brought it back sooner then staggered nights mid-week would work because the overall crowds aren’t huge mid-week outside of the next few weeks during Spring Break.


Premium Member
On spikes in Covid cases we are definitely seeing more of a surge in urban centers where variants seem to be more prevalent. Over the last 14 days Miami Dade County and New York City are both averaging 44 daily cases per 100,000 residents. Well above both state’s averages for the same period. These are also among places with the highest concentration of variants. Since the most prominent variant by far is still the UK variant the best plan is to continue full speed on vaccinations since the vaccines are still highly effective vs that variant. It may also be critical to get people in urban centers vaccinated as quickly as possible to beat down these outbreaks of the variants before they become more widespread.


Premium Member
So today‘s report shows 1.4M doses administered. If we add that to the 4.6M reported yesterday that‘s 6M doses over 2 days or 3M doses a day. Really good news 👍👍👍

According to the CDC tracker there have only been 1.3M doses of the original 4M doses of JnJ vaccine shipped out upon approval. That means another 2.7M doses coming in the next week or so. Good progress and JnJ should be starting to ship more doses towards the end of March to get to 20M total for the month.


Premium Member
Current Florida vaccine report -

Screen Shot 2021-03-14 at 2.21.33 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-03-14 at 2.21.47 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Now, my turn to be the wet blanket...

Now, let me apply the caveats that in the US, we're considerably ahead of most of the large countries in Europe in vaccinating and only a few regions of the US have population densities comparable to Italy and Germany. But these countries have generally been better than us about masking and limiting gatherings.

Just a friendly public reminder that while its nice to speculate about when various activities will return to Disney World, we aren't there yet...looking at you, Texas, in case you forgot this little incident from your sports history:



Premium Member
Now, my turn to be the wet blanket...

Now, let me apply the caveats that in the US, we're considerably ahead of most of the large countries in Europe in vaccinating and only a few regions of the US have population densities comparable to Italy and Germany. But these countries have generally been better than us about masking and limiting gatherings.

Just a friendly public reminder that while its nice to speculate about when various activities will return to Disney World, we aren't there yet...looking at you, Texas, in case you forgot this little incident from your sports history:

We have generally lagged a few months behind Europe on waves of the virus. Their 2nd wave peaked a few months before ours this winter. The biggest question is will we get enough people vaccinated to avoid a 3rd wave here. I hope the answer is yes, because we will not avoid it through mitigation efforts. The wheels have come off the bus and it’s pretty much vaccine or bust for us these days. I agree we shouldn’t take our eyes off of the prize and let down at the 5 yard line, but all signs point towards doing just that in most of the country. Hopefully we just fumble the ball into the end zone and Pfizer, Moderna and JnJ jump on the loose ball for the touchdown :)


Well-Known Member
Now, my turn to be the wet blanket...

Now, let me apply the caveats that in the US, we're considerably ahead of most of the large countries in Europe in vaccinating and only a few regions of the US have population densities comparable to Italy and Germany. But these countries have generally been better than us about masking and limiting gatherings.

Just a friendly public reminder that while its nice to speculate about when various activities will return to Disney World, we aren't there yet...looking at you, Texas, in case you forgot this little incident from your sports history:

This along with Italy locking down again, is a great reminder that we aren’t there yet. In my opinion it’s the most important time to keep those masks on until the coaster is going faster down the hill.
Edit- Goof Beat me to basically the same message.
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Well-Known Member
We have generally lagged a few months behind Europe on waves of the virus. Their 2nd wave peaked a few months before ours this winter. The biggest question is will we get enough people vaccinated to avoid a 3rd wave here. I hope the answer is yes, because we will not avoid it through mitigation efforts. The wheels have come off the bus and it’s pretty much vaccine or bust for us these days. I agree we shouldn’t take our eyes off of the prize and let down at the 5 are line, but all signs point towards doing just that in most of the country. Hopefully we just fumble the ball into the end zone and Pfizer, Moderna and JnJ jump on the loose ball for the touchdown :)
Agreed. Need more vaccinated here and we are on our way.
Seems that we lagged about 3 -4 weeks here after Europe had their surge before it hit here. A lot different now of course with vaccines but I wonder if we are giving our advantage with the vaccines back with many no mask mandates kicking in. I’m just glad to hear that many businesses say they are sticking with their own guidelines.


Premium Member
1 out of 5 people in this country have gotten a shot. We are quite ahead of Europe, and much closer to where Britain is, and guess what there’s no surge there. We might plateau for a while, but I don’t think a surge is coming.
Amen. That’s my hope too. If you look at their cases the upward trend just started too. No lock it is a true 3rd wave and even if it is it won’t peak for a few weeks or months. If we get enough people vaccinated quickly enough we should avoid it ever ramping up. My hope is the most it does is slow our downward trend temporarily and only in places where vaccine acceptance stalls around 50% or less.


Well-Known Member
I think it’s a little early to panic about NJ. The cases aren’t dropping anymore, that is true, but the daily case numbers are still well below the Jan peak and below the level they were at a month ago. This could be the start of another wave of cases or it could just be a blip. In mid-Feb a similar situation occurred where cases spiked upward but that corrected and continued down for several weeks after until this spike. It’s best to look at the longer term picture than daily cases and assume that it won’t be a linear decline everywhere all the time. If a few weeks or a month from now cases are continuing to rise then that’s a problem. Give it some time.

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I know there is no reason to panic and I still believe that by April 30 the country will be down to 5 or less cases per 100,000. However, as a lifelong New Jersey resident I am very upset at our state. There is no excuse. Maybe I can put it this way. Newark has lots of cases and should be a hard place to get the vaccines but if you work there it is real easy because the residents aren't signing up. I know that because I signed my wife up the first day I tried and just last week I signed his boss up on the first day of trying. That is pathetic, I spent weeks trying to get signed up and had to drive 90 minutes to Berlin to get it. I will have my second shot Friday. I did more than my part in getting people signed up. I always wear a mask. I want NJ to do better. Too many people here complain about Florida and make excuses for NJ and NY. There are no excuses, do better.


Well-Known Member
As a proud Brit I have no problem with the term the U.K. variant. It is where it was first identified because of our excellent analysis of the COVID-19 virus. It may or may not have originated in the U.K. but we were the first to identify it!
As for the claim that the USA should never have been dragged into WW2 words fail me.
The war began in September 1939 and we fought on till December 1941 with out your military support. I acknowledge that you helped us with supplies etc. but not with military support. As for Pearl Harbour it is a known fact (at least in the U.K.) that Churchill warned Roosevelt of the impending attack. He chose, for a variety of reasons, including wanting to help Europe, to mostly ignore Churchill’s advice. He did however ensure that the 3 aircraft carriers had left their moorings and were on “manoeuvres.”
We would have continued to fight on with or without your help and had already won The Battle of Britain in 1940.
Whether we would have defeated the terror of the Nazis on our own is a matter of conjecture and I’m sure your involvement helped to secure victory and shorten the war but to question the validity of entering the conflict is frankly shocking. The consequences of Europe and the U.K. being overrun, the Jewish race, the people of colour, people with physical and mental impairments the Romanys and many others being annihilated is too dreadful to contemplate. You should be proud of your country’s involvement. I know that the citizens of the U.K. are grateful for and proud of our combined victory.
The lesson surely is, the world works better when countries work together, as relevant today when fighting Covid-19 as it was in World War 2!
Leaving my soap box now!!
I was in Stratford Upon Avon when my grandfather died in 1986. I went to the local Anglican Church for their daily service. Upon entering, the first thing I saw in the Narthex was an American flag and a plaque thanking the US for partnering with the British in defeating tyranny. I could not have been more proud of my country or more grateful for and moved by the hospitality and compassion that small daily congregation showed me in my time of grief.

To criticize US involvement in the European Theater is to say the saving of the lives of all the people you named was unimportant. And the US knew exactly what was going at at the time, as did anybody who cared to find out. God bless Britain for standing alone in the face of the darkest winds of the last century until we could partner with you.
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