Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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I think he's saying that people live in their comfort zones, and in France, that means most don't have air conditioning. When a really long, hot heat wave hits, the elderly and infirm suffer.

It's really kind of a French problem (although not unique to the French), and the French, so far, haven't felt it was a big enough deal to put A/C in their homes for grand-mère or grand-père.

Perhaps the comment was not dismissive and the poster was just trying to be factual. However, using brainless examples is not the best way to make a point. (Yes, it's brainless to let people die roasting in their own homes when an antique invention (a/c invented in 1902) could have prevented it.)


Think for yourselfer
Is your issue with hoarding or with any kind of shopping at this time?
Neither. My issue is with folks getting angry at other folks for being in large groups, then going and being in a large group themselves queued up outside a super market. That's all.

Shopping is necessary, hoarding is not. I don't like the hoarders. But that's a diff conversation.


Think for yourselfer
Actually that wasn't your issue. You're first post on this was against shopping.
Go look at your post history and stop backpeddaling.
My first post....

Or standing in line at Walmart at 6am with 100 of their closest friends.

in response to these posts...

It was more than the previous day and more organized. Monday it was just a huddle of people but today everyone already had their shopping carts ready like it was the Indy 500 and were reving their engines waiting for the sliding doors to open at 6 am.
Yes, I didn't have a shopping cart and even though I was 20th in line was able to weave my way to first.

Pretty clear honestly


Think for yourselfer
That wasn't your first post on the issue if you are honest with yourself.

Bruv, good luck to you.
You're right. This was. Unfortunately for you, it was in response to the same group of HYSTERICAL anecdotes you told this morning. You ignored social distancing rules because you wanted to rope drop walmart. That's a simple fact.

Ignoring the social distancing regulations because you need your 5th 22 pack of toilet paper. Ridiculous.

(royal you)


Well-Known Member
Chaos in Manila, as Phillippine government implements surprise lockdowns:

The Philippines is an all out disaster right now. I am Filipino and most of my extended family still lives there. My cousin is a neurologist and another cousin a radiologist. They state it is much worse than the media reports, and only those that can afford are being tested. State the hospitals are totally overwhelmed and regardless of specialty they are being drafted into assisting with this in the ED and ICUs. State hospitals totally out of beds and ventilators. They say that it’s to the point of “cremate and bury.” Total disaster there as the healthcare infrastructure is nearly nonexistent and completely ill equipped to handle this.


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of this? I had a fever for a whole week mid-Jan and horrible sore throat...

Both diseases have different symptoms, notably shortness of breath with Coronavirus. However, I have questioned if something like this is possible. Everyone in my household was sick with suspected flu over Christmas (not fun!) and then about a month and 1/2 later, I got the most mild cold of my life which lasted maybe 3 days. It was really weird.

Who knows, but our infected rate is supposedly WAAY underreported. It's quite likely possible this is true as well...
In mid January I got a nasty "flu" with fever, dry cough that lasted 3 weeks, and wheezing. Very distinctive cough.
Went to epcot when I was feeling better and heard a lot of that same cough.
Makes me wonder.
I really think it was in the US before December. Between the 2nd week of December and the end of January, my family of 4 had NINE illnesses (2 each for me and the 2 kids, 3 for hubby). One of those had a very distinct dry cough and fever and we were extraordinarily tired, and it didn't seem to affect the kids at all...we commented on how much fun they were having taking advantage of us being so run down. If memory serves, that particular illness was around the 2nd week of January and lasted about a week. (ETA: We've NEVER had that much illness in a single year, let alone all clumped together like that.)

Also, (and I don't want to scare you @21stamps) her post about her pneumonia reads suspiciously like Covid-19...and she's still recovering.
I don't know if this link has been posted before, but this page from John Hopkins has some information about total tests and people monitored in Florida and cases by county:

And obviously this one for the world:

I wish it was more granular and allowed to drill down by city. I live in Volusia county and our sheriff has been posting the total cases and number of monitored people in each city in our county on his private Facebook page. I think that is great. The places that have had most success with their efforts so far, like South Korea and Hong Kong, have been very transparent in where the cases are. In Hong Kong they can zoom in on a map to apartment building, and in South Korea they notify everyone in an area of new cases and the places they have been. Communication is so important.
Google and Reddit apparently teamed up for their Covid-19 can zoom in to particular buildings.,-70.7910235392497&z=18&fbclid=IwAR1iTWJsaM1bfh5k6PqFQ_dF1Rv-AZ3xL_8PeY111GxIqT_mIEFTX1Of2KA
I live on the gulf coast and I don't understand the desire for people to pack in like that. We have STRETCHES of empty beach. We went Sunday. No one for atleast 100 yards on each side. When I saw people packed like sardines on the main Public beach I was surprised, but not really. I think this virus has been peddled as a virus that can hurt the old and vulnerable so much that these younger 20 somethings don't get that yes they can (and will if they keep this up) get it and be ok. But if they go see their grandma she can get it from them and she may not recover. This message has got to get across. I'm glad they closed bars and clubs though. That will help.
That Dr. Burke (who appears with the president and his cohorts during the task force updates) and the governor of MA both felt it was necessary to mention millennials and young people when discussing how important it is to cancel play dates and get-togethers was both terrifying and hilarious at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I really think it was in the US before December. Between the 2nd week of December and the end of January, my family of 4 had NINE illnesses (2 each for me and the 2 kids, 3 for hubby). One of those had a very distinct dry cough and fever and we were extraordinarily tired, and it didn't seem to affect the kids at all...we commented on how much fun they were having taking advantage of us being so run down. If memory serves, that particular illness was around the 2nd week of January and lasted about a week. (ETA: We've NEVER had that much illness in a single year, let alone all clumped together like that.)

Also, (and I don't want to scare you @21stamps) her post about her pneumonia reads suspiciously like Covid-19...and she's still recovering.

Google and Reddit apparently teamed up for their Covid-19 can zoom in to particular buildings.,-70.7910235392497&z=18&fbclid=IwAR1iTWJsaM1bfh5k6PqFQ_dF1Rv-AZ3xL_8PeY111GxIqT_mIEFTX1Of2KA

That Dr. Burke (who appears with the president and his cohorts during the task force updates) and the governor of MA both felt it was necessary to mention millennials and young people when discussing how important it is to cancel play dates and get-togethers was both terrifying and hilarious at the same time.
I saw that. The woman (I assume the doc?) made a point to say millennials. I think I fall in that category but I've never identified with millennials. I was raised getting my butt beat and having to earn trophies lol. I'm pretty sure I'm taking this more serious than anyone in our neighborhood. We live across from a park. I couldnt believe how many people were out there yesterday. I get it, it's gorgeous weather right now but now one is wiping down those swings bad slides and hand rails. I guess they think since it's outside it's safe? Who knows. We stay in our yard. We practice social distancing. But 4 people in a subdivision of 500 people aren't going to do much to stop the spread.
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