Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
This death count is very disturbing. Humidity and temperature limit the spread of the virus. Latitude (Vitamin D) is strongly correlated with outcome of case. Vitamin D deficiency likely leads to worse symptoms and worse health outcomes for infected persons. Florida has been much worse than the tri-state area despite the better climate.

I didn’t even address the weather...which is a GIGANTIC advantage when it comes to virus containment.

Does anyone remember why rich men first settled in Florida??

A huge reason was to protect themselves and their bullion from disease in the climate. It was a less developed world...but they were still relatively correct. The subtropics help immuno-compromised.

It wasn’t about shoveling snow.

Florida has 320 days a year when the temperatures exceed don’t see a lot of sniffles...

And since numb said it was a flu...they should have seen 0 cases, right?


Well-Known Member
Disney World made Colbert last night!


Premium Member
Tide goes out, tides comes in. You can't explain that!

Seriously though scientists answer questions literally. If you're confused I recommend you learn more to better understand his statements, because they can be confusing especially if you don't understand the underlying conditions. I occasionally re-read info from the last year it can be difficult to grasp, and that's coming from someone who has read at least an hour a day on COVID every day since last January. Can't wait for COVID to be over.

Isn’t it the moon’s gravitational pull?
I’ll take “potent portables” for $600

So uh since this is a disney server, will the HARMONIOUS barges get vaccinated? 😂

I hope they get gatorland
Does anyone remember why rich men first settled in Florida??
The Homestead exemption?

Seriously though, Florida's climate does as much to mitigate the spread of the virus as it does to help people survive or avoid hospitalization. People only volunteer to get tested if they are experiencing symptoms that they believe to be COVID. And not surprisingly, when people have less (or lesser) symptoms they are less likely to get tested. Then those people probably go out and spread the virus.

Isn’t it the moon’s gravitational pull?
It's a classic Bill O joke if you didn't get the reference, that's what he (apparently) believes-- that the tide cannot be explained or understood by humans.


Well-Known Member
All good. I’ve been a little confused by Fauci lately. Not sure if he has some agenda and/or towing the company line or just likes to hear himself talk, but lots of crazy talk recently and very inconsistent quotes that often seem to contradict themselves.
  • Saying one day that if the trials on children progress well that it may be possible that all school age kids are vaccinated by Sept when schools are all back and then a few days later saying its possible high school age kids (who are all part of the 12+ trial expected to end soon) may not be vaccinated until late in the Fall. 2 very different and contradicting opinions from the same guy days apart.
  • His comments on the vaccine not being available to the general public until June after a week prior saying April and when questioned on why his projection changed saying he changed his opinion because of a shortage of JnJ vaccines at the start of their rolllout but that info was known since January.
  • Recent talk of restrictions like masks being around in 2022 or no return to normal until Christmas when he’s consistently said a possible return to normal by Fall
I feel like the message is all over the place at a time where there should be one firm consistent message coming out: the vaccine rollout is going great and will pickup more soon as more doses become available and the fastest way for all of us to get back to normal life is to take the vaccine as soon as you are eligible. Simple, straightforward and consistent should be the goal. If asked about when restrictions can be lifted or “a return to normal” his and the administration‘s answer should always be it depends on how many people take the vaccine. If the vaccine manufacturers make their number and if we get a large enough number of people to take the vaccine it is possible it could be as early as some time this summer. That’s an aspirational goal or target that can inspire people to want to get vaccinated and get their summer back. Instead what we are getting are these nonsense, sandbagged targets like 100M shots in 100 days and enough doses for everyone by end of July and a return to normal by Christmas. I get politically it makes sense to underpromise and over deliver, but Kennedy didn’t pledge to put a monkey in orbit, he pledged to put a man on the moon and then did it. That’s what I’d like to see out of the government (including spokespeople like Fauci) today. Set a real aspirational target and then go and achieve it.

...steps off of soap box
My take on this is that the data he is getting regarding trials, distribution, shipping delays, variant surges, etc. from outside sources literally changes by the day. The lack of consistency is less about him changing his mind or not getting his story straight and more about target dates changing and the ripple effect those changes have. For example, with J&J officially greenlit, it wouldn't surprise me if that has a positive impact on timelines over the next week.

I think we have to accept that if we want updates and answers about the pandemic, they will be unfortunately be very fluid for the near future.


Well-Known Member
Scientific data makes it QUITE clear now is not the time to relax the rules. Time and time again, nations all around the world have relaxed restrictions too soon and caused more death. We need to tow the line just a little longer if we want to finally end the pandemic. We are talking mere months and spring is coming, where outdoor hikes away from crowds can be enjoyed maskless. We can do this.
It's like suddenly no one has watched a football game, or any sports. Normally, when a team gains an advantage, the message is to "crush them!" Put your foot on their neck and make them beg for mercy. Ram it down their throats, and a million other clichés. There has also, over the last several years, laments about the "participation trophy generation" and how weak it would make America. Maybe, there was more truth there than I thought, since many of the lamenters are now the ones having trouble keeping their foot on the gas and it's starting to sound like they care more about getting an "A for effort." "We've been wearing masks for a year, don't we deserve...?" Time is still on the clock, the virus always has the ball. Our defense got a major upgrade, but it's no time to get sloppy. Unless you want to be the Atlanta Falcons or something.
My take on this is that the data he is getting regarding trials, distribution, shipping delays, variant surges, etc. from outside sources literally changes by the day. The lack of consistency is less about him changing his mind or not getting his story straight and more about target dates changing and the ripple effect those changes have. For example, with J&J officially greenlit, it wouldn't surprise me if that has a positive impact on timelines over the next week.

I think we have to accept that if we want updates and answers about the pandemic, they will be unfortunately be very fluid for the near future.
States are in charge of getting most of the shots in the arms of people, scaling up inoculations to use the supply of available vaccines, etc. Some states are doing very well (CT, WV), but others are lagging. Lots of variables.


Premium Member
DeSantis has made sure that:

Florida has delayed reporting data.

Florida has limited reporting data. ("The state Department of Health on Wednesday ordered an investigation of all pandemic fatalities, one week after House Speaker Jose Oliva slammed the death data from medical examiners as “often lacking in rigor” and undermining "the completeness and reliability of the death records.”)

Florida does not count non-resident deaths as COVID deaths.

Florida does not count Covid CODs as determined by medical examiners after death. ("Florida in August changed its rules for determining whether someone died of COVID-19, moving that responsibility from public medical examiners to the doctors who treated the patients. The change was meant to relieve medical examiners who were swamped with COVID deaths, but it also created inconsistencies in how COVID deaths are documented and raised new questions about the accuracy and timeliness of the state’s COVID-19 death counts.

Florida Surgeon General Scott Rivkees this week ordered an investigation into delayed reporting of COVID deaths, noting that some are now being reported two months late. A spokesman for Gov. Ron DeSantis questioned how a death could be caused by COVID months after a positive test result. At the same time, health experts say it is more likely that Florida’s COVID deaths, now at more than 16,500, are understated.

Jill Fisch is convinced her 78-year-old mother, Marjorie Levy, died from the virus in her Palm Beach County nursing home. But the doctor listed “natural causes” as the cause of death on the death certificate. Fisch said her mother tested positive for the virus on Sept. 29 and died on Oct. 9. “There is no way it wasn’t COVID-related,” she said.

Isaiah Clark, owner of Bell & Clark Funeral Home in Riviera Beach, said several times he has been told a deceased person is COVID-positive when he arrives to pick them up at a hospital, only to find no mention of the virus on the death certificate. “It has become a mess whether they want to admit it or not.")

Florida has refused to retroactively add deaths that were not counted as COVID deaths.

Florida has as many deaths as New York and New Jersey COMBINED (since September 1st).

I could keep going on but "the flu is worse crowd" is skeptical of facts.
It’s hard to say Florida’s has as many deaths as New York and New Jersey combined when Cuomo has been hiding numbers


Premium Member
All good. I’ve been a little confused by Fauci lately. Not sure if he has some agenda and/or towing the company line or just likes to hear himself talk, but lots of crazy talk recently and very inconsistent quotes that often seem to contradict themselves.
  • Saying one day that if the trials on children progress well that it may be possible that all school age kids are vaccinated by Sept when schools are all back and then a few days later saying its possible high school age kids (who are all part of the 12+ trial expected to end soon) may not be vaccinated until late in the Fall. 2 very different and contradicting opinions from the same guy days apart.
  • His comments on the vaccine not being available to the general public until June after a week prior saying April and when questioned on why his projection changed saying he changed his opinion because of a shortage of JnJ vaccines at the start of their rolllout but that info was known since January.
  • Recent talk of restrictions like masks being around in 2022 or no return to normal until Christmas when he’s consistently said a possible return to normal by Fall
I feel like the message is all over the place at a time where there should be one firm consistent message coming out: the vaccine rollout is going great and will pickup more soon as more doses become available and the fastest way for all of us to get back to normal life is to take the vaccine as soon as you are eligible. Simple, straightforward and consistent should be the goal. If asked about when restrictions can be lifted or “a return to normal” his and the administration‘s answer should always be it depends on how many people take the vaccine. If the vaccine manufacturers make their number and if we get a large enough number of people to take the vaccine it is possible it could be as early as some time this summer. That’s an aspirational goal or target that can inspire people to want to get vaccinated and get their summer back. Instead what we are getting are these nonsense, sandbagged targets like 100M shots in 100 days and enough doses for everyone by end of July and a return to normal by Christmas. I get politically it makes sense to underpromise and over deliver, but Kennedy didn’t pledge to put a monkey in orbit, he pledged to put a man on the moon and then did it. That’s what I’d like to see out of the government (including spokespeople like Fauci) today. Set a real aspirational target and then go and achieve it.

...steps off of soap box
I’m sure fauci is a smart guy but he has done no favors for himself or the American people being all over the map since this all first began. Just adds to all the questions about the virus and does anyone truly know


Well-Known Member
Current mitigation efforts are crushing the OG strain but not the UK/SA/Brazil/CA/FL variants which is why you see graphs like this (not updated graph I'm too lazy to find a newer one):

That graph doesn't mean that total case #s will go up, but the % of cases that are OG are declining and soon we can expect the majority of viruses circulating to be one of the concerning strains (UK et al).

R goes way up (yes, 'k' is more important than 'R' but still) while vaccine efficacy declines. No bueno

From what I can tell that graphs fails to take into account the effect of vaccination. Which is fine, because we still don’t know exactly how it’s going to effect things, but the govt has promised that the vaccine distribution is about to dramatically increase starting next week (and if Pfizer Moderna and J&J are going to meet their March delivery it roughly needs to double) which is why I’m sure the US predictive models do not show as dramatic change in cases as the one he is referencing.

Also, he appears to be Canadian, and our neighbors to the north have a right to fear that varient more, they are significantly below the US rate still stuck at 4.85 shots per 100 people compared to our 21.93.


Well-Known Member
This is why I dont believe X amount died "of covid." They may have been positive, but not died of covid. Just because you die wearing Levis doesn't mean you died of levis.

Quote from the article, not my words: "I mean, it’s 100. It does not make any difference if it’s 99, but the validity that the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19, died in a crash,” he said, “but you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash, so I don’t know the conclusion of that one"



Well-Known Member
News 6 has discovered a discrepancy in coronavirus-related deaths reported in Florida.

Investigator Louis Bolden dug into the numbers and found the state of Florida has a different number of deaths than many of the state’s medical examiners. Previously, the state blocked medical examiners from releasing their numbers.

Bolden took that information and ran it through News 6′s trust index, which fact checks questionable information circulating on social media and in our communities.

According to the Florida Department of Health’s coronavirus dashboard, COVID-19 has claimed more than 2,200 lives in the state of Florida. The state even breaks down those deaths by county.

In Lake County, the Department of Health reported 14 deaths but the medical examiner reported 22.

In Orange County, the Department of Health reported 38 deaths but the medical examiner reported 56 deaths, a difference of 18 people.

Orange Osceola Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua Stephany noticed the discrepancy, too.

“My concern was, ‘Why are our numbers different?’” Stephany told News 6.

It’s not always the case that the Department of Health has a lower death count.

In Sumter County, the Department of Health reported 17 deaths and the medical examiner reported seven.

In Seminole, the Department of Health had 13 deaths reported but the medical examiner only had five.

“The biggest thing that I’ve been preaching unfortunately for months is those two different sets of numbers, what they mean,” Stephany said.

Here’s the issue: If someone dies anywhere in Florida, the medical examiner in that county counts that death.

But if someone dies in Florida of COVID-19 and their primary residence is somewhere else -- like snowbirds or visitors, for example -- the state of Florida does not include that death in its COVID-19 death count.

Florida then decided to funnel all data through the state government to prevent MEs from reporting deaths that they didn't want counted.
Sounds alot like what happend in be fair we know for a fact early on especially some places were counting deaths differently...


Well-Known Member
Your numbers are slightly off.

FL: 19553
NY: 14763
NJ: 7293

So NY and NJ saved lives while Florida didn't mitigate. We 100% agree. People are pretending like deaths in NY are greater than deaths in FL since last fall which is absolutely false. I'm glad you agree that NY and NJ are doing a much better job than FL, TX, ND, SD, etc. If they had the same variant problem that CA had this winter then those "open" states would've fared much worse. NY is better off than FL now.

Your Jill Fisch argument is incorrect; when a person would have lived longer had they not been infected by COVID then that means you died from COVID. COVID causes strokes, heart attacks, etc.

How do you suppose political officials would acquire data that's being sent directly to the state? There's a reason why DeSantis is bypassing the states (the article you responded to was from last May).

Oh man 2022 cant come soon enough.


Well-Known Member
This is why I dont believe X amount died "of covid." They may have been positive, but not died of covid. Just because you die wearing Levis doesn't mean you died of levis.

Quote from the article, not my words: "I mean, it’s 100. It does not make any difference if it’s 99, but the validity that the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19, died in a crash,” he said, “but you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash, so I don’t know the conclusion of that one"

I am a Floridian and have several friends who decided not to wait to get tested after signing in yet received letters saying they tested positive. I have another friend who despite her son being tested negative on day of admission and on post mortem was asked if the hospital could cite COVID as C.O.D. Deaths are going way down here in Florida yet Disney wants to be like Governor Newsome with his 'mask between bites'. I bet Chapek - like Newsome doesn't wear a mask while he is eating.


Well-Known Member
Scientific data makes it QUITE clear now is not the time to relax the rules. Time and time again, nations all around the world have relaxed restrictions too soon and caused more death. We need to tow the line just a little longer if we want to finally end the pandemic. We are talking mere months and spring is coming, where outdoor hikes away from crowds can be enjoyed maskless. We can do this.
Just post this at the top of every page of this thread. 👍


Well-Known Member
Current mitigation efforts are crushing the OG strain but not the UK/SA/Brazil/CA/FL variants which is why you see graphs like this (not updated graph I'm too lazy to find a newer one):

That graph doesn't mean that total case #s will go up, but the % of cases that are OG are declining and soon we can expect the majority of viruses circulating to be one of the concerning strains (UK et al).

R goes way up (yes, 'k' is more important than 'R' but still) while vaccine efficacy declines. No bueno

This person is known to be a bit... ummm... dramatic? I wouldn't follow much of anything he says because it's all about drama and clicks for him. I wouldn't listen to a word he says now



Well-Known Member
The way the Covid19 numbers are coming down, it appears that by March 7th every state will be below 30 cases per 100,000. Further, by April 1 only a handful of states will be over 10 cases per 100,000. Like it or not Operation Warp Speed is a proven success and accomplished what every Democrat politician said was impossible. The pandemic by the end of April will be over!


Well-Known Member
This is why I dont believe X amount died "of covid." They may have been positive, but not died of covid. Just because you die wearing Levis doesn't mean you died of levis.

Quote from the article, not my words: "I mean, it’s 100. It does not make any difference if it’s 99, but the validity that the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19, died in a crash,” he said, “but you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash, so I don’t know the conclusion of that one"

I am a Floridian and have several friends who decided not to wait to get tested after signing in yet received letters saying they tested positive. I have another friend who despite her son being tested negative on day of admission and on post mortem was asked if the hospital could cite COVID as C.O.D. Deaths are going way down here in Florida yet Disney wants to be like Governor Newsome with his 'mask between bites'. I bet Chapek - like Newsome doesn't wear a mask while he is eating.

So you believe the Government won't find some other excuse to control us by then? 15 days to stop the spread - how did that work out?

Oh joy...the conspiracy theorists are joining us again!
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