Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
There was no prophesizing involved. This was just BASIC science. Anyone with a basic high school level education could have predicted the outcome based on the early data and studies combined with the current anti-science attitude of our society.

Hell, you didn’t even need an education. You just needed to understand English And listen to Dr. Fauci and the task force yelling at the top of their lungs about what was gonna happen.
Sooo the answer is "no" you are not done yet then?


Well-Known Member
Same! I'd like to hope that means we are objective, because we can actually change our stance as new info comes along.

I totally thought this was going to go the way of SARS.
Many people did including educated medical or scientific minds looked at it through a SARS or MERS point of view. It wasn't wrong to do so either really as at that point lots of scientific guesses were made. People acting like they knew a year ago is kind of... I dunno... to flip it, the sign of being adult about things and even intelligence is to admit when your ideas were wrong. Many of us followed info at the time and just needed more info. We still do not have it all. So we need to adjust as needed when information does come to us.


Well-Known Member
I did not think it would be a big deal at first, then when it hit Italy I knew we were in trouble but my hope was warmer weather would blunt it here in the states. Come the end of March I realized what we were dealing with, and when we never did enough to stop the spread knew we were in trouble, thank God science delivered us multiple vaccines, they are our last and best hope at ending this.

Also, all recent events point worldwide to this virus waning, couple that with vaccinations and I really think this thing will be over before the end of the year, summer if we don’t have a varient surge, fall if we do.


Well-Known Member
Hell, you didn’t even need an education. You just needed to understand English And listen to Dr. Fauci and the task force yelling at the top of their lungs about what was gonna happen.
What if we listened to Dr. Fauci when he said (paraphrasing) you shouldn't travel unless you have to for work? Or now would be a good time for young, healthy people to get deals on vacations?

I understand that things changed as more data came in but let's not pretend like Dr. Fauci was spot on from day one and knew exactly what was going to happen or what to do to prevent it. The task force, with him on it from day one, was formed in January of last year.


Premium Member
I didn't think Disney would close, very wrong there.

But I really don't see the need to point out where people were right or wrong. Why? It just makes people timid to post/add to conversation if they think they will have old posts pulled up to prove how wrong they were.
Just my opinion. :)
Remember when everyone thought the parks wouldn’t stay closed beyond Easter because they wouldn’t want to lose Spring Break crowds and everyone who got cancelled on in March was thrilled to reschedule in April or May with their ”free dining”. I am not pointing out those things to belittle anyone, I was just as wrong and naïve back then in not realizing how serious the situation was and how long it would last. It’s crazy to actually go back to 11 months ago and see how the thinking was going.

I just hope that a year from now nobody is talking about how foolish we were in Feb 2021 to think that herd immunity was only a matter of months away. At some point the glass half full people have to be right :) I’ve been wrong about so much but even a broken clock is right twice a day ;)


Premium Member
What if we listened to Dr. Fauci when he said (paraphrasing) you shouldn't travel unless you have to for work? Or now would be a good time for young, healthy people to get deals on vacations?

I understand that things changed as more data came in but let's not pretend like Dr. Fauci was spot on from day one and knew exactly what was going to happen or what to do to prevent it. The task force, with him on it from day one, was formed in January of last year.
Fauci was right more than he was wrong so if everyone listened to him from day 1 we would have taken some wrong steps, but overall would have been much better off. It is what it is and we can’t go back in time. The only thing we can do now is worry about going forward which includes short term mitigation (masks, distancing, avoid group gatherings) and getting vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
What if we listened to Dr. Fauci when he said (paraphrasing) you shouldn't travel unless you have to for work? Or now would be a good time for young, healthy people to get deals on vacations?

I understand that things changed as more data came in but let's not pretend like Dr. Fauci was spot on from day one and knew exactly what was going to happen or what to do to prevent it. The task force, with him on it from day one, was formed in January of last year.
Again.. time and time again you have thrown shots at probably one of the greatest people of all time dealing with things related to viruses. You can pick out one or two things over the last year and say..” what if we listened to him when he said” .. just stop. Again, here is he’s unbelievable resume of what he has done in his career. Please read and just stop.
When you say “ I understand that things change as more data comes in” should be enough to know that’s how science works. You understand, I think that part, but in a back handed way still criticize.



Well-Known Member
This is my 1st post and my 6th post in this thread. And the first one, from April, where I mentioned "2 years" as the tough pill we were going to have to swallow. I know I made another post about worrying that the US was going to choose the path where we would be maximizing both deaths and damage to the economy, but I couldn't find it quickly.

The two things that had me approaching this with a major "storm's coming" dread were A. China started building hospitals in a week. That is very not normal. B. Dr. Nancy Messonnier's statements on February 25th which included: "I had a conversation with my family over breakfast this morning. And I told my children that while I didn't think that they were at risk right now, we, as a family, need to be preparing for significant disruption of our lives,". After which she was muzzled, and we didn't hear from her again until December.

DH and I were dealing with my MIL's medical issue in the week after that. We would be talking about going to Costco and stocking up when we got back to CO. Talking about whether DH's company would let him work from home. SIL looked at us like we were insane. Then on March 5, the building her BFF works in was completely shut down for cleaning. And SIL started thinking about the possibility that her intense travel schedule would be impacted. I have told DH that I wish, during that week, I was a little more forceful with the seriousness we should all be taking this. Especially, in regards to schools closing (her biggest fear). But being the in-law, I hedged that I might be overreacting and didn't want to look the fool. "The truth will out" and it did.

I do not take Dr. Fauci's "downplaying" as this sign of underestimating what would happen. But when you are surrounded by sycophants, and you see an important, truthful voice silenced in the way she was, what do you do? I know there are those that think they would go out in a blaze of glory fighting for truth!, rather than the one that would willingly compromise himself to remain at the table to direct and influence what one could without the sycophants having complete control. Which one is the right course? I don't even want to think about where we would be if Dr. Fauci weren't allowed to stay at the table.

The mass testing is a double edged sword though. Yes, all those "positives, but mild cases" keeps the mortality rate down. But all the testing gets those positives "off the streets" faster. Which also keeps the mortality rate down because those people aren't going to visit their "high risk" family members, or going to their jobs where they interact with "high risk" customers. That is something that isn't happening in the US, and there will be consequences.

The places I am keeping my ear out for are the assisted living communities, senior centers, care centers etc, since those are where the fatalities will occur. My concern, is that we are still in the early phase and so those consequences of younger, healthier, but positive individuals interacting with the high risk population haven't been felt yet. And since we have inadequate testing, we have no idea when that time bomb is going to explode and if our hospitals and necessary equipment will be able to cope with it. The problem Italy is now facing.

So I don't really see how South Korea's low mortality rate really helps us predict anything when we have likely many "positive but asymptomatic or mild cases" interacting with the 70 million people in the US that are over the age of 60 when we aren't taking the same steps to control the spread.

And the worst part, is since we're about 2 weeks behind Italy...we're all going to be sitting around for 2 weeks kvetching about the effectiveness of all of this. Hurricane worry is not so long. Marathon people, don't wear out your fingers too soon!

Except, there is an end date. In 2 years, one way or another, we will be through. In five years, from a health crisis perspective and everyday life, this will be a memory. Scientists want to know, for sure, about the immunity situation, so they try to caution the conservative view, but I haven't gotten a sense from them that this will be a virus that never ends. Economy will still be a work in progress. For me, that makes this less catastrophic than a war, where there really is no end date, and the obituaries just keep piling up, and where the fighting is happening... economy has no chance for recovery. I know people have experienced far worse than this. And yet here we are. For Americans, we have been extremely fortunate since the Vietnam War, that even our "hard times" have been mild compared to history, or other places in the world, including your own country which was devastated by Civil War for so long. Which is part of why it's so frustrating for me to see people talk about just letting people die. These are the people that survived those dark periods, only for our own country to say they were just going to die anyway, or they should lock themselves away from the world. Without a mention of how we actually do that, as if these people have the financial resources, or worrying about their mental health, or any of the things they are supposedly so worried about. To have this play out on our own soil, instead of "over there," somewhere else, we have to go even farther back in our history to have anything to compare it to.

Two years is a tough, tough pill to swallow. I get that. I get that people are grieving for everything we've lost. But when faced with a truly terrible situation, I've never found one where hoping it goes away, that it's not as bad as it seems, denying the reality of the situation, works. It only makes the eventuality that much more devastating. If we can get through this in less than two years, I will be jumping for joy. I don't know where this puts me on the glass debate. I am more comfortable with temporary realism that some call pessimism, with long term optimism, rather than temporary optimism followed by a soul-crushing reality.


Well-Known Member

2nd shot done!! So far feeling good. A little tired but that is probably more from the stress of worrying about side effects, than actual side effects


Well-Known Member
View attachment 531886

2nd shot done!! So far feeling good. A little tired but that is probably more from the stress of worrying about side effects, than actual side effects
Thank you for getting it! Anxiety and stress with this is real. So is relief and elation. Relax if you can and remember that no matter you'll be good soon!

I admit mine both hurt when I slept, it woke me so I was tired too and cannot say the cause lol


Well-Known Member
Again.. time and time again you have thrown shots at probably one of the greatest people of all time dealing with things related to viruses. You can pick out one or two things over the last year and say..” what if we listened to him when he said” .. just stop. Again, here is he’s unbelievable resume of what he has done in his career. Please read and just stop.
When you say “ I understand that things change as more data comes in” should be enough to know that’s how science works. You understand, I think that part, but in a back handed way still criticize.

It’s like looking at Dino-Rama and saying how bad of a designer Joe Rohde is.


Well-Known Member
Again.. time and time again you have thrown shots at probably one of the greatest people of all time dealing with things related to viruses. You can pick out one or two things over the last year and say..” what if we listened to him when he said” .. just stop. Again, here is he’s unbelievable resume of what he has done in his career. Please read and just stop.
When you say “ I understand that things change as more data comes in” should be enough to know that’s how science works. You understand, I think that part, but in a back handed way still criticize.

My shots are because it bothers me when people talk about him like his is an all knowing God who doesn't make mistakes or ever give bad advice. Of course, he is far more knowledgeable and educated in infectious diseases than I am (or anybody on this forum most likely).

My biggest issue with him from the beginning has been his unwillingness to say, "we don't know" instead of giving certain answers to questions that still had uncertainty. He outright lied about what he thought the effect of masks would be back in March. I understand it was to try and keep people from acquiring the PPE that hospitals needed but the media attacked Dr. Jerome Adams over it and gave Fauci a pass.

The tapes of Trump saying that he knew how serious it was but then downplaying to keep people calm (and try and keep the stock market from crashing) was treated like the biggest scandal since Watergate but Fauci lying about masks "maybe stopping a droplet" is given a pass. In fact, his mask lie probably led to a good portion of the anti-mask movement. Trump caused a lot of it as well but if Fauci had been truthful in March, maybe Trump would have been on board. We'll never know.

Fauci should not be immune to any criticism just because he did a good job with HIV (which was much easier than COVID to control once they figured out what it was and how it was spread) and is mostly correct on COVID. If he had his way, we would have put the entire country into Wuhan style lockdown for as long as it took to get cases down to a handful a day.


Premium Member
My shots are because it bothers me when people talk about him like his is an all knowing God who doesn't make mistakes or ever give bad advice. Of course, he is far more knowledgeable and educated in infectious diseases than I am (or anybody on this forum most likely).

My biggest issue with him from the beginning has been his unwillingness to say, "we don't know" instead of giving certain answers to questions that still had uncertainty. He outright lied about what he thought the effect of masks would be back in March. I understand it was to try and keep people from acquiring the PPE that hospitals needed but the media attacked Dr. Jerome Adams over it and gave Fauci a pass.

The tapes of Trump saying that he knew how serious it was but then downplaying to keep people calm (and try and keep the stock market from crashing) was treated like the biggest scandal since Watergate but Fauci lying about masks "maybe stopping a droplet" is given a pass. In fact, his mask lie probably led to a good portion of the anti-mask movement. Trump caused a lot of it as well but if Fauci had been truthful in March, maybe Trump would have been on board. We'll never know.

Fauci should not be immune to any criticism just because he did a good job with HIV (which was much easier than COVID to control once they figured out what it was and how it was spread) and is mostly correct on COVID. If he had his way, we would have put the entire country into Wuhan style lockdown for as long as it took to get cases down to a handful a day.
Come on man. What Fauci said about masks in March caused a good portion of the anti-mask movement? So you really believe a good portion of the people opposed to masks only came to that conclusion because of “Fauci’s lie”? Do you realize how delusional that sounds? “Fauci’s lie“ was used as a talking point to justify anti-mask sentiment, thats for sure but I don’t believe for a second a single person who is anti-mask would have happily complied to all mask requirements if he never made the statement he made.

Fauci is hated because he stood up to Trump and made him look bad. He was embraced by the anti-Trump crowd as a voice of reason which made him hated by the pro-Trump crowd. Simple politics.

Disney Experience

Well-Known Member
Come on man. What Fauci said about masks in March caused a good portion of the anti-mask movement? So you really believe a good portion of the people opposed to masks only came to that conclusion because of “Fauci’s lie”? Do you realize how delusional that sounds? “Fauci’s lie“ was used as a talking point to justify anti-mask sentiment, thats for sure but I don’t believe for a second a single person who is anti-mask would have happily complied to all mask requirements if he never made the statement he made.

Fauci is hated because he stood up to Trump and made him look bad. He was embraced by the anti-Trump crowd as a voice of reason which made him hated by the pro-Trump crowd. Simple politics.
But his “lie for the greater good” did seed doubt that scientist would only say what they believe is true. That doubt was great fertilizer for the anti maskers.

He should have just said the truth or nothing, not a lie when he was representing himself as a subject expert.


Well-Known Member
I’m in my last day of quarantine after the onset of mild symptoms 10 days ago. Bit of a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, no smell and taste, and sudden premature atrial contractions. Smell is back, taste is almost back but still weird, and PAC’s are down to a handful after a large meal instead of several per minute. Never felt bad, and thankfully, it never progressed to what I’ve seen so many go through. Get the vaccine. I’m ready for all this to be over. Don’t know where or how I caught it as I’ve been crazy cautious over the last 11 months.


Premium Member
But his “lie for the greater good” did seed doubt that scientist would only say what they believe is true. That doubt was great fertilizer for the anti maskers.

He should have just said the truth or nothing, not a lie when he was representing himself as a subject expert.
You guys can believe what you want, but there is no way you will convince me the majority of the anti-mask movement was based on that. I stand by my statement, that’s delusional. The anti-Fauci sentiment is purely and totally based on politics. Trump supporters felt he hurt Trump’s chances of being re-elected.
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