"The public can’t ride any attractions at Disneyland, which has stood closed for nearly a year. But starting this week, the California theme park will open up as a super COVID-19 distribution site where thousands of people will get the vaccine daily.
Could Disney World be named a giant vaccine site, too?
Like hospitals across the state, Disney World has the capacity to store the vaccine with an ultra-cold freezer, said state emergency director Jared Moskowitz during a virtual town hall with state Rep Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, last week.
“We have no ultra-cold freezer storage problems here in the state. There are plenty of hospitals with them. County health departments have them. Some universities have them. Disney World has one,” Moskowitz said, adding his department bought some, too."
"Disney World and Moskowitz’s office have not responded to questions from the Orlando Sentinel to provide further details or to say if there are plans to make the theme park resort a vaccination site for the general public or its workforce.
Gov. Ron DeSantis alluded to the possibility of Disney World becoming a distribution site as the workforce becomes the next target to vaccinate after senior citizens."
“You literally could drop a bunch of vaccines at Disney, Orange County Schools, wherever,” DeSantis said last week during a news conference in Longwood. “And they can knock that out pretty quickly. And it’s one dose and done. So I think that makes more sense with essential workers.”
The public can’t ride any attractions at Disneyland, which has been closed for nearly a year. But starting this week, the California theme park will open up a super COVID-19 vaccination site …