The reason the conversation continues is that the situation across the country continues to devolve.
People are sick and dying. Hospitals are beyond capacity. All of these things are evidence that the deniers, the economy-firsters, and the “you’ve got to live life” crowd were initially wrong about things. That’s fine, there was a lot we didn’t know about the virus and its effects for a long while there.
So we kept discussing, going round and round with our arguments, and despite the mounting evidence that our response has been inadequate, the downplayers (many consider themselves realists) continued to second-guess the science, compare the virus to lesser threats, and complain about restrictions that too few are actually adhering to.
Eventually, we have to acknowledge that those same people actually share some responsibility for the situation we’re in. By scoffing, mocking, belittling, and politicizing, they helped create an environment where it’s somehow ok to continue posting half-truths, lies, and alternative facts in support of the narrative that is holding us in the current pattern.
This is a WDW fan forum. That may be what (all?) we have in common. But the pandemic has revealed much about who we are and how differently we see the world. I continue to post here not to try to convince others, but to work things out in my own mind. The nonsensical stuff I‘ve read here, posted directly by people who actually believe all of it, has helped solidify my positions.