Well most of the people are healthcare workers currently, so they should know. However, once it has been two weeks since my second shot I will very much start doing things I haven’t done in nearly 11 months:
-I’m going to go back to just wearing a surgical mask outside the Covid ward instead of the N95 mask I wear now (surgical masks are what my hospital currently recommends)
-I’m going to eat lunch in my team room, potentially with other people there instead of eating alone in an empty room
-I’m going to start going into stores other then grocery stores again
-I’m going to eat at a restaurant
-I’m going to fly on a plane
-I’m going to Disney World
-I’m also going to see more of my family members
Things I will continue to do:
-Wear a mask in public places
-Follow any guidelines required of me by governments or private entities
-I’m going to continue to vigorously wash/sanitize my hands before eating or touching my face
There will be a 94% risk reduction in me getting Covid and a near zero chance of me getting severe Covid. It is not right nor reasonable to ask me to continue to take the severe precautions I have taken since this started. I’m not going to go back to normal fully yet, but I’m turning the dial that way. I’ve managed to work in an extremely dangerous environment and not get Covid.
More to the point, I also feel broadcasting the differences between pre and post vaccinated me is a public service message I think will help the drive to convince others to get vaccinated, but I also know there is a selfish component to it. At this point, after this year I don’t really care though.