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"Thirty-five percent of Black adults who say they won’t get vaccinated cite distrust in either the health care system, the government, or vaccines in general as a reason"A quick little anecdote about my concern that rate of people who are willing to get the vaccine is going to be much lower than I had hoped and that if the powers that be use case rates instead of vaccine availability as the metric to eliminate restrictions, we are nowhere near the end of the tunnel.
I was talking to a guy that does custom woodworking for me. He is in his early 70s and Jamaican (I mention that because of the stats that COVID disproportionately effects minority communities). He told me that he's not sold on the safety of these vaccines, thinks the testing was rushed and doesn't want to get it anytime soon. He also reads the push to get the elderly to get it first as an indication that they want to use older people as Guinea pigs instead of the reality that they want to make it available to the most vulnerable.
I told him that my wife took it hoping that it would make him more comfortable since he both likes her and respects her. He still said he wants to wait until many people have gotten it and he can see the serious reactions people might have.
This is just a regular guy. He's not an anti-vaxxer or conspiracy nut. He's an intelligent man. I don't know his politics except that I know he voted for Obama so he's certainly not a right wing extremist. It was disappointing to hear this reaction from somebody like him.
KFF/The Undefeated Survey on Race and Health - Main Findings - 9557 | KFF
Introduction Executive Summary The Big Picture: Being Black in America Today The Disproportionate Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Views Of A Potential COVID-19 Vaccine Trust And Experiences In The Health Care System Conclusion Introduction Racial disparities in health and health care have been...