Just because cardiovascular disease exists does not mean we should ignore Covid. Cardiovascular disease takes years (20-30 years) to kill people, unfortunately we do not recognize early stages of the disease as well as we need to but you still get 20-30 years. Covid kills weeks to months, it is very short sudden and unexpected.
We live nation where the obesity rate - not even the overweight rate, but the obesity rate is some 40% of the population.
We love a theme park where vast throngs of park goers grew to a size where they were rendered unable to walk these parks, limbs, hearts and lungs unable to support the task.
Obesity is something that we as individuals have DIRECT personal control of, in contrast to a virus which we are combating (up until the recent vaccines) with cloth masks and hand washing.
Obesity is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, various cancers... And consequently it's one of the things that is going to give a person the most difficult time in overcoming a covid19 infection.
Yet this same nation of ours has created a climate where discussing obesity and personal responsibility is positively discouraged.
"Fat shaming" they call it, and it had gotten so out of control that popular culture was celebrating obesity right up to the point covid broke out in this country.
Celebrated on tv shows, magazine covers, and all over various social media platforms.
The number one thing we can do for ourselves is to try to be fit, strong, and healthy.
These things should be championed by the media at least as much as mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing.