No, you don’t:
“Actually, statistically, for most age groups, it is 99 percent chance of survival. So that’s not flat out wrong. Doesn’t mean we should throw all caution to the wind either.”
And now you and other posters are trying to say I am against wearing a mask, and getting rid of precautions, etc, because I am not.
Just because I have a high survival rate, doesn’t mean everyone else does, which is why I wear a mask and keep my distance when I am in public and apply the protocols and principles in my own life. I never used it once EVER in this thread to justify eliminating precautions. Everyone has a different situation. I have repeatedly stated in this thread how hard it has been to avoid my father and mother, grandparents, and other family. But I do it anyway. I have also repeatedly stated that I have no problem with government restrictions as I believe in doing them even though Florida has “reopened” and put their fingers in their ears and head in the sand. I am about balance. We can live our lives and enjoy certain things (depending on your circumstances) while still showing a respect to others who aren’t so fortunate to be in a lower risk category.