Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Why didn’t they cut it before Covid?

Inertia. The spreadsheet has been in control for some time, but Covid provides the cover to make sweeping changes quickly. They would have gotten there eventually, perhaps. Honestly, I truly feel fireworks at MK and Epcot are safe, a full daytime parade at MK is safe... but anything else? I'm not so sure anymore.

I don’t think they will just come back in the numbers they want or need with a bare bones product.

I think Disney loves the idea of finding the perfect (read: profitable) balance between bare bones and crowd pleasing. The questions is, is there a difference between the numbers they had, the numbers they want, and the numbers they need... for the same level of profitability?


Well-Known Member
"New results on a possible COVID-19 vaccine from Oxford University and AstraZeneca suggest it is safe and about 70% effective, but questions remain about how well it may help protect those over 55 — a key concern for a vaccine that health officials hope to rely on around the world because of its low cost, availability and ease of use.

Still, experts say the vaccine seems likely to be approved, despite some confusion in the results and lower levels of protection than what other vaccine candidates have shown.

“What we can see looks reasonable, but it’s a bit more complicated than what we’ve seen so far,” said Dr. Buddy Creech, a Vanderbilt University researcher helping to test two other vaccines. “If this had been the first report out, the field would have still been excited to have a vaccine.”

"The medical journal Lancet on Tuesday published partial results from tests of the vaccine in the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa — safety results on 23,745 participants and protection levels on 11,636.

They’re hard to interpret because a mistake led some participants to get a half dose followed by a full one rather than two full doses as intended.

Researchers claim the vaccine protected against disease in 62% of those given two full doses and in 90% of those initially given the half dose. However, independent experts have said the second group was too small — 2,741 people — to judge the possible value of that approach and that more testing is needed.

The half-dose group also didn’t include anyone over 55, and among others in the study, only about 20% were in that age group.

It’s unclear if the results will be enough to lead regulators in the United Kingdom and elsewhere to approve its use right away.

“We have no safety concerns about the vaccine,” with no hospitalizations or severe disease among those who received it, and results from all study locations consistently showing benefit, said one study leader, Oxford’s Andrew Pollard.

“The only way we get the pandemic behind us is if we get doses of vaccine out there,” he said.

AstraZeneca’s Mene Pangalos called the results “very compelling” and said they “clearly show we have an effective vaccine” that meets criteria for approval around the world. “I really believe this vaccine will have a big impact on the pandemic,” he said."

of course we are going get the JV vaccine 😂


Well-Known Member
Building on the question of a vaccine requirement, what about a vaccine incentive? What if capacity is increased but it’s reserved for those who have been vaccinated? Or even something less direct like international visitors who need one to enter the country or go home?

"...if you have a vaccine, you are welcome to come and park hop at your leisure. If you are unvaccinated, we've set aside Epcot for you."


Well-Known Member
I am apparently at "death's door." I'm only behind 23 million people and only 35,000 people in my county.

Changing COVID-related health risks to No puts me down to 268.7 million, but I do have 3 risk factors, so I guess they are finally good for something.
I knew my high blood pressure would come in handy one day.


Well-Known Member
“Hey Doc, I am going on a cruise next week, can you write something up for me saying I got vaccinated? I’ll pay you whatever and you don’t even need to vaccinate me, I just need that peice of paper saying I am vaccinated”
Unless there's some standard with counterfeiting measures, it's not even that hard. "Hey, I'll just write up my own vaccination record and print it.". Eliminates a step and reduces the cost considerably.

"This just in. Man becomes critically ill on a cruise from COVID. None of the other passengers, who were all vaccinated, were infected. Investigators discovered the man never received a vaccination, and his doctor's note was fraudulent. Both the man and the doctor are charged with fraud and endangerment of life."
Also true, or at least we hope it's true and there's some repercussion.

A more interesting case might be, 95% of the cruise passengers provide vaccination proof and the remaining 5% are exempted because they cannot get the vaccine. One of the unvaccinated get's COVID, dies, and contact tracing links it back to someone who lied about being vaccinated. The remaining family takes the liar to court with a wrongful death suit. Final outcome undetermined until some future date, impact to the family felt immediately.

That's a scenario where all the customers were included. Change that to "some have to take precautions while others do not" and it gets vastly more complicated.

I think by now we can be sure that anything where people can simply lie and say they've done whatever gives them special treatment even if they haven't done it, some people will tell that lie immediately without a second thought.


Well-Known Member
A more interesting case might be, 95% of the cruise passengers provide vaccination proof and the remaining 5% are exempted because they cannot get the vaccine. One of the unvaccinated get's COVID, dies, and contact tracing links it back to someone who lied about being vaccinated. The remaining family takes the liar to court with a wrongful death suit. Final outcome undetermined until some future date, impact to the family felt immediately.
Make it more interesting.

The cruise line has to cancel the next two weeks of voyages, deep clean the ship, participate in the investigation, refund the impacted customers, take the bad PR. They make a business interruption insurance claim, they insured against a lying customer. The insurance company (which nobody likes already) files suit against the liar for everything they have, using their deep pockets to get whatever is possible and "send a message" to others to not lie.

Special exceptions are hard.


Well-Known Member
See, I think Disney is learning from this experience. They’re learning how much (or how little) effect a full fireworks display has on the number of people to come to the parks. What a pain it is to work with actors and equity unions when it’s cheaper and easier to cut live shows in favor of movie preview clip shows and minimum-wage CMs “acting” their parts in Galaxy’s Edge.

I guess I hope I’m wrong, but if Disney realizes that a cavalcade is ”magical enough” for most park guests, I don’t think parades are coming back. At least not parades as they were.
Pretty much this. 800 Equity contracts are not going to be offered. They’ll bring back 60 or so and say we added jobs!


Premium Member
Is a job some kind of inalienable right?

No. But can Disney legally require vaccines?

I’m not going for the “of course they can...all hail the free market!!”

I don’t even have an opinion on this, really. I’m just suggesting it may not he so easy. Wdw has a rather large and international work force. Would most want the vaccines? Sure.

But what if their sizable Latino workforce - many first generation - tended to be more skeptical/less trusting? That goes to pattern. What if the large Creole segment doesn’t believe in vaccinations? That’s an exemption.

I’m not saying these things will happen...i’m saying could not be as simple as it’s being made out to be.

By design, Disney can do almost what they want. But they hate bad PR...they’re far more sensitive/affected by it than Walmart or it may not be this simple. I’m not arguing a case...more saying it’s not as clean cut.

It’s also don’t sleep on that. Who the hell knows??
Goofgoof gave a very “Pennsylvania” take on it above. Not wrong...just maybe geographically displaced.
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Premium Member
The data on the vaccine shows that it is highly effective in preventing people from getting sick. There is no data yet on how the vaccine impacts transmission.
Yeah but if they’re transmitting it to someone who is 95% protected against getting it, things should work out.


Premium Member
Your conclusion about my outlook seems strange to me. What I’m pessimistic about is the ability of American citizens to be considerate of others. I’m extremely optimistic about Disney’s outlook.

Disney will find a way to keep their business viable. I think they’re going to innovate their way out of the current challenges they face. They are capable of much more than temp checks, mask rules, and plexiglas.

This is me. 👆🏻👆🏻

From the start, I had zero doubt in Disney viability. But I have total doubt in the public to act right. They always disappoint there.

All the way back to the spring “Disney can’t stay closed! They have to open...or they’ll go bankrupt! What about the poor workers?”

Hogwash...compete nonsense. It was always about people wanting THEIR fun spot on their terms. Every second of THEIR life is what matters...all other concerns secondary or non-existent.

Why do you believe widespread vaccination will not lead to seeing consistently lower case numbers? Isn't that the purpose of vaccination, and aren't the vaccinations being approved highly effective? It's not like anyone is suggesting that mask-wearing be dropped after the first person is vaccinated.

It’s Gonna take along time to get there...a lot longer than necessary because the concept was poisoned by dipstick for a year...

Widespread vaccination is the “goal”...not a “certainty”

I don’t agree with it...but I can’t control reality.


Premium Member
are you saying Disney could go on like this forever or asking why people won't get the vaccine?

I know a lot of people who just flat out aren't getting it... so then at what point does Disney return to normal and say ok risk and health decisions are up to the individuals and families (like before)
1. Why can’t they “go on”?? Is there an indication they are financially distressed? If so you better let Wall Street know...
2. Never. What planet do you live on where Disney would publicly condone a free for all?

Perhaps If the American bar association no longer existed?

...but this is all purely hypothetical. I don’t think the situation you’re proposing comes to pass.
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