Premium Member
The issue is not with Florida but why NY and NJ have restrictions on their residents visiting states with lower Covid19 cases than they have, especially states where you spend more time outdoors, than those who visit Pennsylvania. It is clearly more dangerous in Pennsylvania than Florida since Pennsylvania have 54.5% more cases per 100,000 than Florida. The entire quarantine process is a joke and the way it is setup isn't even using science, since anyone can travel between Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Use the numbers you want but don't differentiate between states, be consistent. Anyone should be allowed to take a vacation in a state with a lower Covid19 rate than the state they live in, provided they follow safety protocols of 6 feet distancing and mask wearing, which is being enforced at WDW and Universal.
Because the governors of NY, PA and NJ are democrats, and the governor of Florida is a republican.