Oregon has announced a 2 week freeze -
"The two-week freeze measures are set to begin next Wednesday, November 18, and last through December 2. They are far more wide-reaching than the pause measures already in place, actually closing or limiting many types of businesses.
"These risk reduction measures are critical in limiting the spread of COVID-19, reducing risk in communities more vulnerable to serious illness and death, and helping conserve hospital capacity so that all Oregonians can continue to have access to quality care," the Governor's office said in a preliminary statement.
According to the Governor's office, the freeze measures include all of the following:
- Limiting social get-togethers (indoors and outdoors) to no more than six people, total, from no more than two households.
- Limiting faith based organizations to a maximum of 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors.
- Limiting restaurants and bars to take-out only.
- Closing gyms and fitness organizations.
- Closing indoor recreational facilities, museums, indoor entertainment activities, and indoor pools and sports courts.
- Closing outdoor recreational facilities, zoos, gardens, aquariums, outdoor entertainment activities, and outdoor pools.
- Limiting grocery stores and pharmacies to a maximum of 75% capacity and encouraging curbside pick-up.
- Limiting retail stores and retail malls (indoor and outdoor) to a maximum of 75% capacity and encouraging curbside pick-up.
- Closing venues (that host or facilitate indoor or outdoor events).
- Requiring all businesses to mandate work-from-home to the greatest extent possible and closing offices to the public.
- Prohibiting indoor visiting in long-term care facilities.
The freeze carves out a space for some businesses and services to continue as they have been under Oregon Health Authority guidance: providing exceptions for personal services such as barber shops, hair salons, and non-medical massage therapy; congregate homeless shelters; outdoor recreation and sports; youth programs, childcare, and K-12 schools.
The duration of the freeze includes the Thanksgiving holiday, as state officials urge people to avoid gatherings or keep them small. Social gatherings have consistently been the primary vector for spread of COVID-19 in Oregon for the past several months, according to public health officials."
Governor Kate Brown called a press conference with state health officials on Friday to announce new measures in an attempt to curb the recent surge in cases.