I honestly think that some are taking this to the other extreme.
We shouldn’t just be going anywhere and everywhere at whim, but telling people they shouldn’t be going out at all except for essentials is carrying it now to the extreme. Which is what a poster who I will not name is fully beating down the doors for.
There is a balance for everyone and every situation is different.
If they are doing it safely, and their circumstances allow it without risking others, it is rather judge mental to say “you can’t go out”.
I am going to Utah in January. I do not live with anyone elderly, in fact I live alone. I do not visit or interact with my grandparents, parents, and pretty much no one in my family except my younger brother and his wife, rarely. I am, and all of us are getting tested when I get back. I am not dining indoors while I am there. In fact the only indoors I’ll be is with our small group of friends (5) when we sleep at night in our rental home, and the grocery store, which i do at home anyway, so we can eat at the house. There will be no bars or clubs in our plans. Masks will be worn on the flights (which by the way, read the science, it’s safer to fly then go to Publix) , at the mountain, at airports, at gas stops, at the store runs, and the National park hike.
So please, go ahead and clutch your pearls and assume I am killing people left and right. Mask usage and social distancing have been proven effective. If adhering to these protocols, and the person doesn’t live with someone high risk or elderly, then they are not being selfish by daring to find some leisure or travel safely during this time.
If I lived with my grandmother, or worked in a nursing home, or interacted with family or friends who live with such ones, then do you think I would be traveling? Heck no! But to blanket judge every. dang. person/family. despite not knowing their circumstances. Get out of here. There are two sides to every spectrum. The people out there going to parties, having indoor gatherings with a lot of people, the people crowding the bars and inside dining, and the anti maskers, yes, I can rightfully say there is some level of judgement needed. But on the opposite end, there are some trying to find some semblance of enjoyment and recreation during these hard times. And if they are doing it safely, they do not deserve the wholesale condemnation.
finally. Wear a mask. Sheesh.