Well-Known Member
Data researchers, and experienced contact tracers are good at pulling out signals from what the rest of us considers noise. Not all of these encounters are equal, we don’t have to treat them as if they are. I am not either of these, but what I would do is:
Tier 1: Test family, the friends they played football with, the friend at lunch, Close contacts at work.
Tier 2: everyone else at work, employees at Cheddars and Carrabbas
Tier 3: note times and locations for the rest, so if other people report the same location and time, a software program will scan, identify matches and look for community patterns.
Ideally, if a neighborhood is identified as a hot spot, then you can carpet bomb the neighborhood. Our problem is it’s everywhere so unless we can be Slovakia where they tested half the population in one day, we would have too many people to test.
Targeting helps, definitely.
I just, as i said before, and of the opinion that until cases are down low enough or as @GoofGoof has said, we embrace digital footprint identification (not full on GPS tracking), contract tracing is unfortunately not very effective. I mean just from that one scenario, were talking dozens of people because of Dudley and his family having work and school. Then you gotta target and trace the contacts of those contacts if someone is positive. If there were 500 hundred cases a day, definitely doable. 5,000? Doubtful. It would be limited in scope and effectiveness. Hopefully it catches some spread. unless each state hired thousands of people. but because of the economy, most states are facing budget shortfalls and will be making cuts, not hiring people.